Page 19 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 19

A search for new partners                and hosted two Academia professional exchanges
                                                          for European guidance practitioners during 2021/22.
                 Although the programme has been in existence for   Each provided the opportunity for discussions to
                 many years, the members change regularly, and the   exchange guidance practice among themselves
                 Academia network needs to continue to raise and   and other experts:
                 integrate new members. In this perspective and in
                 order to exchange good practice, a workshop was
                 held on this theme during the European Eurogu-    •  Online Academia Slovenia 2021 ‘Exchange of
                 idance conference in Prague. An effort will also be   practices’ (10 - 13 May 2021): The 5 participating
                 made in 2023 to market the Academia programme   guidance counsellors from Germany, Estonia
                 and to try to mobilise new countries to join.  and Sweden and a career guidance student
                                                             from Hungary improved their knowledge of
                 A change of Academia network coordinator    guidance activities in different settings as well as
                 Graziana Boscato (France), who has been involved   getting an overview of the world of education,
                 in the Euroguidance Network since its inception,   work and lifelong guidance in Slovenia. The
                 has always been committed to innovation and   programme introduced the Slovenian education
                 was part of the team that set up the programme   and guidance system, the labour market and
                 Academia. After many years of tireless investment,   Employment Service of Slovenia.
                 she retired after the Academia meeting in Tallinn. All
                 the members of this programme thank her for all her     •  Academia Slovenia ‘Guidance in VET’ (9 - 12 May
                 work, and welcome Manon Dangel (Euroguidance   2022): The participating 6 guidance counsellors
                 France) as the new coordination of the Academia   from Germany, Estonia, France and Spain gained
                 programme.                                  a deeper understanding and knowledge of guid-
                 The example of Slovenia in 2021 and         ance activities in VET in Slovenia. The program
                 2022                                        once again introduced the Slovenian education
                                                             and guidance system, the labour market and
                 We have chosen to highlight the work of Euro-   Employment  Service  of  Slovenia  as  well  as
                 guidance Slovenia, who organised, coordinated   guidance in different settings.

                 © Euroguidance Slovenia

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