Page 15 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
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© Euroguidance Spain

                 of European mobility to come together to learn   clients and guidance practitioners in the context of
                 about best practice and to increase and enhance   both the COVID recovery period and the war in the
                 their exchanges by  promoting cooperation  to   Ukraine. Prior to the seminar, two main questions
                 achieve common goals.                    were addressed in national surveys submitted by
                                                          CBS group members to the host country: (i) factors
                 For further information, click on the link:
                    causing uncertainty in individuals making career
                                                          decisions and (ii) approaches for helping clients
                 Cross Border Seminar “Hope in times      deal with uncertainty, and support for career prac-
                 of uncertainty” November 2022, Latvia    titioners to manage stress.

                 In the ongoing search for new ways to ensure   Seminar participants had the opportunity to par-
                 continuous professional development of the Latvi-  ticipate in an introductory lecture and masterclass
                 an career guidance community, EG Latvia joined    delivered online by the world-renowned founder
                 the Cross Border Seminar (CBS) group of the Euro-   of the Hope-Action Theory, Professor Emeritus
                 guidance Network for the 2021-2023 contract   of the University of British Columbia, Dr. Norman
                 period.                                  Amundson (Canada). At the workshops during the
                                                          CBS seminar in Riga, national experts presented a
                 It was a privilege for Latvia to host its first Cross   variety of methods, tools and approaches suitable
                 Border Seminar in Riga from November 7-9, 2022,   for students, young people, and adults, as well as
                 which was also its first major, international, on-site   those aimed at career guidance practitioners them-
                 event post-COVID. Career guidance practitioners   selves. The workshops addressed various psycho-
                 from ten countries, including  Austria, Croatia,   logical and practical obstacles that hinder career
                 Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Por-  planning and integration into education or the labor
                 tugal, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia shared their   market. Workshop leaders presented techniques for
                 experience in application of various career guidance   strengthening psychological resilience, confidence
                 tools in a total of 16 workshops.        building and developing trust in one’s abilities and
                 The theme of “Hope in times of uncertainty” was   capabilities for both clients and guidance practi-
                 chosen as a reflection of the need to support both   tioners. The aim was also to improve decision-mak-

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