Page 9 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 9

1.2         Euroguidance

                 “Task Groups”

                 The ‘Steering Group’ and the three ‘Main Tasks Groups’ of the Euroguidance Network work on topics
                 and issues that are of strategic importance to the whole Network. These groups deal with strategy
                 and coordination of Network-level activities; mobility and the European dimension in guidance;
                 competence development of guidance counsellors; and information provision and communication.
                 Activities include the development of tools and resources for guidance professionals and dissem-
                 ination of information pertaining to the European dimension of Lifelong Guidance. A summary of
                 Main Task group activity during 2021-22 follows.

                 Steering Group                           Group, and usually arrange the Network meetings
                                                          each year, the Steering Group has also continued to
                 Mission and Composition                  facilitate the preparation of such Network meetings.
                 The main mission of the Steering Group (SG) is to   A first extra-ordinary Network meeting was called
                 assure sustainable development of the Network,   with the assistance of EG Serbia to consolidate the
                 high level engagement of Network members and   Network Action Plan in spring 2021.
                 proactive communication with stakeholders and   Following the virtual meeting in 2021 organised by
                 the international guidance community. The Steering   EG Slovenia, face to face meetings resumed in 2022,
                 Group consists of the Chair, Co-Chair, two represen-  in France and also the Czech Republic during their
                 tatives of rotating EU presidency countries, leaders   EU presidencies.
                 of the three Main Task Groups, and the coordinator
                 of Network-level evaluation activities.   New steering group leaders (from Austria and Latvia)
                                                          were elected prior to the EG Network meeting in
                 EG Sweden and EG Estonia acted as chair and co-  Paris in June 2022, when the newly elected Chair
                 chair of the group in 2021, Austria and Latvia from   and Co-Chair from Austria and Latvia, took over
                 June 2022 onwards. The Euroguidance centres in   from Sweden and Estonia. The first job of the
                 Portugal, Slovenia, France, and Czech Republic   two-year term of office was a review of the general
                 and Sweden were EU presidency representatives,   Network-level governance document.
                 and representatives of Euroguidance France, Czech
                 Republic, and the Netherlands participated as   Strategic priorities and co-operation
                 leaders of the Task Groups. Estonia joined the SG   The establishment  of biannual  meetings  with
                 as coordinator of the Evaluation Task Group in the   EACEA and DG EMPL representatives has proved to
                 Autumn of 2022.                          be very beneficial for continuous communication
                                                          on EU level developments and has enabled the
                 Network Plans and Meetings
                                                          Network to contribute its expertise, for example, in
                 To ensure internal communication and involvement   the preparation of activities during the European
                 of all members, the SG prepared and has regularly   Year of Skills 2023.
                 reviewed the joint action plan and budget for   Evaluation Task Group
                 Network level activities in 2021-2023. Information
                 is presented to the Network on progress at the   Led by EG Estonia as Chair of the Euroguidance
                 biannual Network meetings. As the EU presidency   Evaluation Task Group, a stakeholder impact survey
                 countries are regular members of the Steering   was prepared, and the first phase of background

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