Page 26 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 26

© Euroguidance Bulgaria

                         interactive games, etc. used in different settings, of   dedicated to the Euroguidance 30 anniversary. The
                         which 9 were selected for an award. All the examples   video can be seen HERE
                         of good practices were included in an online com-  A National Training for Career Counsellors was suc-
                         pendium, which was shared with the entire career   cessfully implemented from 23-25 November 2022
                                                                  meeting the pre-agreed objectives. Seventy career
                         The compendium can be seen HERE          consultants from all over the country attended the
                                                                  training organised by EG Bulgaria. Participants had
                                                                  diverse professional profiles and expertise – expe-
                                                                  rienced career counsellors from the Career Centres
                                                                  in the secondary and higher education system, as
                                                                  well as newcomers who were attending for the first
                                                                  time to develop professionally. In addition to career
                                                                  consultants, the group also included pedagogical
                                                                  advisers, school psychologists, teachers, and rep-
                                                                  resentatives of non-governmental organisations
                                                                  that deal with extra-curricular career activities,
                                                                  orientation, and personal development.
                         © Euroguidance Bulgaria

                         Informational tour, promo clip and
                         National Training in Bulgaria
                         Each year EG Bulgaria co-organises informational
                         tours that cover most of the big cities in Bulgaria.
                         Between  June  and  October  2022,  EG  Bulgaria
                         took part in visits to 22 towns. During the 30 th
                         anniversary of the Euroguidance Network. In each
                         regional city EG Bulgaria invited career practitioners
                         and other professionals in the field to present their
                         profession and to talk about career counselling and
                         to emphasise the importance of career guidance
                         in choosing the right work path. In addition to
                         that, Euroguidance Bulgaria created a promo clip   © Euroguidance Bulgaria

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