Page 31 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 31

© Euroguidance

                 the real-life situations that our user groups find     •  gain a better understanding of the decsion-mak-
                 themselves in. Data and content from guidance   ing process and tips on how to make better
                 sessions has been vital in for the creation of tailored   informed choices.
                 content. This approach provides insight into what   What’s next?
                 various target groups are considering, what they
                 find challenging and why they need guidance.   This e experience has contributed to the further
                 Chat data also gives us insight into how professional   development of the methodology during creation of
                 career counsellors, through information, questions,   content for other target groups, including job seek-
                 and guidance, contribute to career learning for the   ers and youths applying for high school. This is an
                 people they guide.                       ongoing process, as well as evaluating and further
                                                          developing existing content. Feedback from user
                 Our first situation-based content was aimed at
                 the users that are applying for Higher Education.   testing has shown that cased to Estonian guidance
                 Through previous chat data, we were able to build a   professionals this situation-based approach works
                 profile for the range of challenges this target group   well for the target groups.
                 experience and contact us about. The data led us   Highlights during COVID times and
                 to the development of 4 situations including "I do
                 not know what I want to study" and "I cannot be   transformation to a new normal –
                 accepted on the course I want".          an example from France
                 Content was created to help this target group to:  From the outset in 1992, Euroguidance France
                    •  find relevant and quality-assured information   has been based at different sites in France. The
                    about work and education.             management of activities was already partly
                    •  develop  self-  and  opportunity-awareness   organised remotely, and this considerably helped
                    through gaining insight into their own needs   with  the  continuity of  activities  during the
                    and wishes.                           pandemic.

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