Page 29 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 29
How do we reach vulnerable groups that they will be able to acquire the required
for career guidance? An exploration competencies.
of literature and practice in five • Autonomy, particularly about whether learners
European countries by Euroguidance • have freedom of choice in attending training.
It is vital that there is connectivity, and that
the Netherlands learners feel they will receive help from others
The Netherlands is currently seeing a great many if they need it.
new trends in vocational guidance and lifelong To improve the chances of learners staying moti-
learning. However, those people who are most in vated, trainers should be sensitive to their situation.
need of these services are least likely to use them. They should:
Which raises the question: how to reach people • be friendly and respectful.
who, for whatever reason, are not investing in their • have the ability to give learners a good idea of
professional development? EG the Netherlands has what to expect.
conducted a study on how to reach and motivate • have the ability to ensure that training is at the
vulnerable groups for career guidance. The goal is right level.
to identify the methods and approaches used by • be willing to build a relationship and help the
different countries to reach various target groups, learner develop more self-esteem.
in hope that the Netherlands will learn from these • give learners intensive guidance to prevent
examples. A review of literature and interviews them from dropping out.
with experts from five EU countries was carried
out, and a report was published in both Dutch and Learners can be demotivated by three types of bar-
English. Link riers. Firstly, there are dispositional barriers including
low self-esteem and poor resilience. Secondly, situ-
Context matters ational barriers are important – a person’s situation
and living conditions affect their ability to attend
The review of interviews shows that countries
have identified similar, yet different groups of training courses. Lastly, learners may be affected
vulnerable people. For instance, Ireland, Scotland, by institutional barriers, such as complex rules and
procedures governing training courses.
and Germany all focus on people from a migrant
background, while Slovenia is the only country to To gain further understanding of the situation in
focus specifically on the Roma people. In other their own country, Euroguidance the Netherlands
words, context is important in identifying target has undertaken a follow-up study, focussing on the
groups. The review of literature identified three Dutch context. This study aims to get more insight
core needs: into the organization of career guidance for vulner-
• It is important that learners feel that they have able target groups in the Netherlands. The study is
the capacity to be able to function properly and expected to be published in 2023.
© Euroguidance the Netherlands, Gjorgji Stankovski