Page 33 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 33

many other countries, experienced multiple months
                 of full or partial closures, with students and school
                 staff having to find new means of cooperation.
                 The provision of school guidance was also heavily
                 affected due to the introduction of remote working,
                 new behavioural measures such as social distancing,
                 and the closure of many of educational settings.
                 These deep and abrupt changes necessitated ex-
                 tensive adaptation of the usual in-person instruction
                 and strong support to guidance counsellors, who
                 had to rethink and redesign their usual working
                 methods with students and the rest of the school
                 and community to provide guidance.
                 In response to this, and as the year 2021 also marked
                 the 10  anniversary of Euroguidance’s work in Cro-
                 atia, in October 2021 EG Croatia organised its 8
                 annual EU Networks Info Day, joined by colleagues
                 from the Croatian Europass, Eurodesk, eTwinning,
                 Eurydice and Youthpass centres, the Working Group
                 for Vocational Education and Training, and the Eu-
                 ropean Innovative Teaching Award team. The event
                 was organised online and was open to more than
                 200 participants.
                 In line with the celebratory occasion, the agenda   © Euroguidance Germany
                 was chosen to inspire and motivate guidance prac-
                 titioners, develop their competencies, and raise their
                 awareness of the importance of guidance provision  New Euroguidance online information
                 to make informed career choices. The main theme  and online training offers – the
                 "Quality professional guidance and counselling – the   example of Germany
                 path to a successful career" highlighted the impor-
                 tance of maintaining the high quality of guidance   The German Euroguidance centre has expanded its
                 services along with the introduction of new and   online information and online training offers during
                 innovative online practice.              the COVID-19 pandemic. EG Germany launched its
                                                          own national website in May 2022 www.euroguid-
                 The Info Day hosted a famous Croatian multi-ca- The website informs German
                 reerist, who has built equally successful careers as   guidance professionals about further training offers
                 a movie and theatre director, DJ, actor, and a pub   at European and national level and provides a
                 quiz expert. In an interesting and inspiring interview,   compact overview of current international guidance
                 the guest shared his unusual and varied career path   and mobility topics. The information offered on the
                 with the participants, drawing valuable conclusions
                 and recommendations.                     website is complemented by a promotional video on
                                                          EG Germany (also available with English subtitles).
                 Six online café sessions enabled participants to learn
                 about good practice from colleagues in Croatian   In addition to the website, two new online publi-
                 schools, Euroguidance, Europass, Eurodesk, eTwin-  cations have been published and are available in
                 ning, the Working Group for Vocational Education   German and English.
                 and Training, Youthpass, and Eurydice. Participants     •  The National Forum for Guidance in Education,
                 also learned about quality teaching practices and   Career and Employment (nfb) together with the
                 recognised the winners of the European Innovative   national Euroguidance centre of the Federal
                 Teaching Award – EITA, before taking part in a   Employment Agency has updated and revised
                 school-themed pub quiz where they joined forces   the publication "Lifelong Career Guidance and
                 with their school colleagues to win prizes. The event   Counselling – Structures and Services in Germa-
                 was delivered online through a specially designed   ny". The brochure provides an overview of the
                 conferencing platform and was also streamed   structures of career and educational guidance
                 through Facebook Live. Watch the video of the main   in Germany as well as current developments in
                 event and the video of the accompanying pub quiz.  the German guidance landscape.

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