Page 38 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 38

© Euroguidance Austria, “Family picture” of the Austrian Online Euroguidance Conference “Green Guidance”

                         all. "Green Guidance gives a broader perspective to  Conference “Careers Education and
                         career choices by asking the simple question: What   Guidance in Schools – Well set for the
                         are the implications of my career choice in terms of   future” Luxembourg, June 2022
                         sustainability?", Prof. Peter Plant said in his keynote,
                         where he highlighted the important link between   Euroguidance Luxembourg organised the confer-
                         social justice and Green Guidance, both profoundly   ence “Careers Education and Guidance in Schools:
                         linked to sustainability issues. “Green Guidance   Well set for the future” ("Schulische und berufliche
                         moves career-decisions centre stage, to a higher   Orientierung: gut aufgestellt für die Zukunft") on
                         note of personal commitment, societal involvement,   14 June 2022 in cooperation with the Coordination
                         and meaningfulness. In relation to globalisation, and   Service of the Maison de l'orientation and Luxem-
                         to social justice, it places guidance in a central global   bourg’s training institute IFEN (Institut de formation
                         position: environmental issues and sustainability   de l’éducation nationale). Main highlights of the
                         concerns know no boundaries.”            conference were:
                                                                     •  the launch of the new reference framework for
                         While Jennifer McKenzie, Director at NCGE, outlined   careers education and guidance in schools, a
                         the process in Ireland (see video), a regional Austrian   reference document for all secondary schools
                         focus in Green guidance along with the project   in Luxembourg (Cadre de référence pour l’ori-
                         “Green Jobs for You” was also presented. Anthony   entation scolaire et professionnelle).
                         Mann from the OECD then provided insights into     •  a presentation by Margit Pichler and Franz
                         three recent OECD studies where teenage attitudes   Erhard, from the University College of Teacher
                         towards climate change were explored to enhance   Education Lower Austria (AT), showing the
                         the understanding of their career readiness and   results of the evaluation of the first edition of
                         approaches to sustainable employment (see video).   the University Course "Careers Education and
                                                                    Guidance in Schools", which is organised in
                         The OeAD – Austria’s Agency for Education and   Luxembourg since 2020 in cooperation with
                         Internationalisation as Euroguidance Austria wishes   their Austrian institution, and the graduation
                         to thank all participants from more than 24 coun-  day of the first Luxembourgish participants of
                         tries, the speakers and leaders of the four parallel   this course.
                         workshops who contributed to the success of the     •  a keynote speech by the German expert Svenja
                         conference.                                Ohlemann presenting scientific views on current

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