Page 43 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 43

© Euroguidance Poland

                 speakers from the education sector, research centres   an initiative encouraging young people to improve
                 and business, talked about the challenges of the   their professional skills through the prestigious in-
                 current labour market, analysed the opportunities   ternational WorldSkills and EuroSkills competitions.
                 and threats within different professions, explored
                 the organisation of career counselling processes in   The conference was also an opportunity to present
                 education, and the use of modern approaches and   Europass and EPALE tools and functionality.
                 European tools in the work of a counsellor.  The last part of the conference was a speech by Mi-
                 The conference began with a motivational session   chał Kapczuk – an expert of recruitment marketing
                 "Career management in times of uncertainty” held   and employer branding, who presented the current
                 by Prof. Adam Mickiewicz, University in Poznań and   trends and methods of recruitment.
                 Dr hab. Małgorzata Rosalska, which directly referred   The event was attended by over 80 career guidance
                 to the current situation on the labour market. An   practitioners and the online broadcast was followed
                 attractive element of the event was also a debate   by more than 500 people. Participants in the eval-
                 entitled "Attractiveness of trade schools in the   uation survey assessed the conferences as a very
                 current situation on the labour  market",  where   useful event in their professional development. We
                 experts tried to overthrow stereotypes concerning   cordially invite to watch the broadcast of the 2
                 professional education. The debate was attended by:   edition of Forum. The first edition titled "Cooperation
                 Prof. Robert Musiałkiewicz, Magdalena Popielewska,   of sectoral education with the labour market", took
                 Arleta Chorąży, Michał Pachocki, Beata Dziemińs-
                 ka-Skowron, and it was moderated by Krzysztof   place a year earlier (December 17, 2021) and, due
                 Świerk.                                  to the current restrictions related to the COVID-19
                                                          pandemic, it was an online event.
                 Workshop sessions were devoted to the subject
                 of modern tools, practices and work standards in   National Career Guidance Award
                 career guidance, as well as the organisation of the  Slovakia, October 2022
                 school career guidance system.
                                                          In October 2022, the Slovak Euroguidance centre
                 One of the workshop sessions provided the oppor-  organised National Career Guidance Award (NCGA).
                 tunity to look at one of the WorldSkills 2019 and   Event highlights inspiring career guidance services,
                 Euroskills 2021 competitors’ case studies of the   allows career guidance practitioners across the
                 career development process. WorldSkills Poland is   country and sectors to engage in exchange of good

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