Page 39 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 39

© Christophe JUNG
                    developments in careers education and guid-  today, while focusing on their own personal,
                    ance in schools.                      educational and professional development. This
                                                          particularly applies to the guidance practitioners
                 The fifty participants in the conference came from   working under the umbrella of the Ministry of
                 Luxembourg secondary schools as well as from   Education and Culture in Cyprus, who sit alongside
                 institutions, government departments and partners   students, carrying out particularly demanding work
                 involved in careers education and guidance.
                                                          of counselling and guiding, under the special and
                 The speech of the Austrian experts demonstrated   unpredictable circumstances of the pandemic that
                 that the initiative to adapt the Austrian curriculum   have overwhelmed our lives for at last two years. In
                 to the Luxembourg context has been a clear   this troubled context, there is a growing need and
                 success. The training allowed the graduates to   obligation to support and empower frontline coun-
                 further develop their own understanding of careers   selling professionals to deal with the sensitivities
                 education and guidance, as well as the projects and   arising from a new reality. The mental resilience and
                 initiatives set up within their schools, confirming   empowerment of guidance practitioners must be a
                 once again the importance and added value of   priority to enable them to continue their work with
                 European cooperation in this field. The importance   the same dedication and enthusiasm and to manage
                 of Euroguidance's support for the cooperation of the   potential professional challenges effectively.
                 Luxembourg and Austrian institutions and for the
                 organisation of the conference was highlighted by   During the conference, participants had the oppor-
                 the speakers and in the visual presence of Eurogu-  tunity to familiarise themselves with identification
                 idance on the produced materials.        techniques and tools for preventing and managing
                                                          occupational stress and fatigue, whilst listening to
                 Conference “The Mental Resilience of     the latest theory and research done about burn
                 the Vocational Education Counsellor      out by the University of Nicosia and its Psychology
                 as a Compensation for Professional       Department.  Our  aim  was  to  equip  guidance
                 Burnout” in Cyprus May 2022              professionals with knowledge, attitudes and skills
                                                          to identify signs of fatigue in their everyday work,
                 Euroguidance Cyprus organised the 8  European   stimulate their resilience and share experiences and
                 Conference on Counselling and Vocational Trai-   concerns over the matter.
                 ning – “The Mental Resilience of the Vocational Edu-  This European Conference on Counselling and Voca-
                 cation Counsellor as a Compensation for Professional   tional Training is the 8  event of its kind organised
                 Burnout” at Nicosia, the 10  of May 2022, which   yearly by Euroguidance CY, the Career Counselling
                 was attended by 120 guidance and employment   and Education Services of the Ministry of Education
                 counsellors and other relevant professionals.
                                                          and Culture, and the University of Nicosia. Dr Marios
                 Vocational Education Counsellors are called to   Constantinou of the University of Nicosia and Ili-
                 face and to manage pedagogically, the growing   ana-Raluca Gheorghe from Carol Davila University
                 challenges and dysfunctions that plague society   of Medicine and Pharmacy from Bucharest were two

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