Page 35 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 35

During 2021, the topic for discussion was ‘The role of   ‘Seizing the moment: Are employers and employ-
                 digitalisation in career guidance practice’. Although   ees seeing eye-to-eye?’ in which he addressed the
                 this had already been identified locally as a priority   importance of understanding current employment
                 area, the pandemic exacerbated its importance. This   realities as they developed in changing geopolitical
                 was especially the case when we were faced with   scenarios involving Malta. Reference was also made
                 the closure of schools and the need to re-organise   to the thoughts of employers and employees as
                 career guidance provision to adapt to the new   captured in the new 2021-2030 Employment Policy.
                 reality. Whereas before the pandemic the career   Some reflections were made in relation to the extent
                 guidance services were provided face to face, the   of the alignment between employers' demands and
                 provision of remote career guidance interventions   employees’ concerns. In conclusion, strengthening
                 through telephone, the internet, computer and   existing collaboration and networking with stake-
                 social media networks became an obligatory   holders in career guidance in the education and
                 alternative.                             employment sectors are key to the development
                                                          of a seamless Lifelong Guidance System in Malta,
                 The keynote speaker was an international expert in   targeting not only users from compulsory schooling
                 this area, Dr Raimo Vuorinen, from the University   but also beyond. Hence these Stakeholders’ Fora
                 of Jyväskylä, Finland. Due to travel restrictions, Dr   will certainly continue to be given priority by the
                 Vuorinen discussed the topic online, focussing on   EG Malta.
                 the benefits of employer and education engage-
                 ment and the use of digital platforms/tools in   Post-pandemic lessons from Malta
                 career guidance practice. Table discussions among   within compulsory schooling
                 stakeholders followed, about how this could be
                 further s strengthened and how the use of digital   COVID-19 has certainly transformed the way our
                 tools further integrated within career guidance   career guidance service has been delivered in the
                 practice for the benefit of students and all career   past two years. This unprecedented experience has
                 guidance service users.                  taught Euroguidance Malta many lessons worth
                                                          sharing with the guidance community. Locally,
                 the 2022 Stakeholders’ Forum focused on ‘Innovation   guidance services were transferred online, and
                 of guidance provision’. Professor Vincent Cassar, from   services had to adapt to be able to operate. This in-
                 the University of Malta gave his keynote speech   cluded the use of online one-to-one and telephone

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