Page 40 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 40

© Euroguidance Cyprus

                         Keynote speakers at the Conference, explaining the   discussing the possibilities of using digital transitions
                         theory of the professional burn out, while becoming   to strengthen and develop lifelong guidance policies
                         familiar with the latest research done on the subject   with Cynthia M. Harrison from CareersNet, Cedefop.
                         through the ERASMUS+ (KA2) Project BENTit-EU
                         (Burnout Education, Normative and Digital Tools   Examples of Slovenian good practice was presented,
                         for European Universities).              including digitisation of guidance in adult education,
                                                                  how digital tools can help us in guidance activities
                                   for students and alumni, and the advantages of
                                                                  digitisation in career guidance activities with young
                         International conference “Digitalisation   people in schools. There was also time for discus-
                         and professionalisation in lifelong      sions and networking with others in the Slovenian
                         guidance,” September 2022, Slovenia      guidance community.

                         In September 2022 the international conference
                         Digitization and professionalization in lifelong
                         guidance was organised in cooperation with two
                         projects of the Employment Service of Slovenia,
                         and EG Slovenia. The conference highlighted the
                         achievements of two projects, that were imple-
                         mented in close cooperation with several partners,
                         institutions and guidance practitioners who work
                         in the field of lifelong career guidance at the 30
                         Years of Euroguidance in Europe: and the activities
                         of Euroguidance Slovenia and National coordination
                         point for lifelong career guidance.
                         Participants also learned about new career theories
                         with Julia Yates, reflecting on digitisation in the field
                         of lifelong career guidance with Jaana Kettunen and   © Pixabay

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