Page 36 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 36

guidance sessions, webinars, and online resources  Mobility information and advice at
                         for students and their parents/guardians amongst   online guidance fairs in Belgium
                         others.  For practitioners, employers and other   Flanders 2021 and 2022
                         stakeholders, novelty included the use of online
                         training sessions, hybrid events such as conferences,   In Belgium, during the annual Study Information
                         better use of social media platforms and increased   Days (SID-In), students in the last year of secondary
                         use of previously under-explored resources such as     school can explore a vast range of educational and
                         webinars.                                professional opportunities. During online editions
                                                                  in 2021 and 2022, EG Belgium (Flanders) provided
                         The pandemic has provided us with an opportunity   information and advice on studying abroad. In
                         to pay further attention to and rethink career guid-  2021, the SID-In was a virtual fair with many virtual
                         ance provision from a systemic perspective. On a   information booths and ‘avatar’ visitors who were
                         practical level, whereas before the pandemic it   seeking information, advice and guidance through
                         never crossed our minds to conduct many of our   chat conversations and/or videocalls. The virtual
                         guidance events online, the pandemic has made us   booth which Euroguidance Belgium (Flanders)
                         realise that at times, opting for an online meeting   was part of, received 4.740 visitors. A video on
                         with a practitioner for a support session or for an   studying abroad had 419 views and presentations
                         information meeting with students and their par-  were downloaded 622 times. SID-In 2022 was
                         ents/guardians may in the end prove to be a more   offered through an online platform that contained
                         effective and efficient way of operating our scarce   links to videocalls on specific topics. Euroguidance
                         resources.  For example, feedback from schools   contributed to the content and structure of this
                         indicates that parents’ attendance for Career Talks   platform that received over 47.000 visitors during
                         has increased when such talks were held online.
                                                                  the three online conversation days. Outside of
                         Notwithstanding, feedback from practitioners   these SID-In days the platform also received many
                         shows that face-to-face physical contact is still   visitors. Content included a new video on studying
                         very  much  valued,  and  often  the  preferred  op-  abroad, developed by the Ministry of Education
                         tion. Indeed, this academic year 2022-2023, many   and Training and Euroguidance Belgium (Flanders).
                         of our career guidance initiatives for students are   Many pupils, students, teachers, parents, and guid-
                         back to pre-COVID ways – onsite career orientation   ance counsellors found their way to Euroguidance
                         visits to workplaces, onsite visits to post-secondary   Belgium (Flanders) to receive information and advice
                         institutions, onsite career fairs and conventions.   on studying abroad.
                         Conferences, meetings, study visits and continuous
                         professional opportunities for our practitioners are
                         also now being conducted onsite relieving practi-
                         tioners of online fatigue from overreliance on digital
                         What has been learned these past two years is that
                         service provision must be flexible and prepared for
                         the unexpected. The pandemic has fostered an enor-
                         mous creativity from guidance practitioners who
                         are developing new and different ways of working,
                         which need to be evaluated to provide a theo-
                         retical and evidential basis to ensure high quality
                         provision.                               © Onderwijs Vlaanderen

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