Page 34 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 34

© Euroguidance Malta

                            •  In  the  brochure  "Lifelong  Guidance  offered  “The role of digitalisation in career
                            by the German Federal Employment Agency",   guidance practice” discussed during
                            the concept of lifelong career guidance of the   Employer-Education Stakeholder
                            Federal Employment Agency (BA) and its diverse
                            information and online service is presented   Forum in Malta
                            compactly on 15 pages. With its new offer, the   One  of  the  main  activities  initiated  locally  by
                            BA is responding to the current challenges of the   Euroguidance Malta is the Employer-Education
                            labour market, characterised by an increasing   Stakeholder Forum where representatives from the
                            demand for skilled workers and advancing   education and employment sectors are provided
                            digitalisation.                       with the proper context to hold annual meetings
                         In addition, EG Germany, together with its German   and discuss topics of common interest usually
                         network partners, has further developed its online   through a business breakfast, allowing participants
                         formats for guidance professionals on European   to network and strengthen relationships with key
                         mobility topics. Since 2021, more than 250 guidance   stakeholders involved in the provision of career
                         practitioners have taken part in online trainings,   guidance, whilst at the same time, tacking issues
                         including:                               of importance.
                            •  Mobility Workshop:  In  cooperation  with  the
                            guidance practitioners of the International and
                            Specialised Services of the BA (ZAV) Euroguid-
                            ance Germany offers an online workshop for
                            career counsellors of the Federal Employment
                            Agency to inform them about the Euroguidance
                            Outgoing-counselling and training services and
                            to report from counselling practice.
                            •  Europass training: Guidance professionals receive
                            an overview of the contents and functionalities
                            of the Europass portal, how to use it in practice.
                            •  Eurodesk training: Participants receive informa-
                            tion on bridging opportunities abroad.  © Euroguidance Malta

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