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2.2          Digital Approaches

                         Following the pandemic, there is intensive discussion across Europe about online guidance services,
                         and how they can best be used to provide information, advice, and guidance in future. This section
                         includes examples and lessons learned from different digital approaches, such as guidance via chat,
                         telephone, webinars and website content or virtual information booths and ‘avatar’ visitors, and
                         hybrid events such as conferences or a better use of social media platforms.

                         Transforming data into tools,            Grounded in the national Quality Framework
                         videos, and articles for people          Based upon The Norwegian Quality Framework for
                         in need of career guidance –             Career Guidance, aims to de-
                         a Norwegian example                      velop career competence. This applies to guidance
                                                                  via chat, telephone, webinars and website content
                         During the pandemic, the digital career guidance
                         service was launched by   for various target groups. Career competence con-
                         the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education   tributes to the individual being better equipped to
                         and Skills, and EG Norway. Since 2020, the service   manage their learning and work life, through change
                         has been offering digital career guidance for the   and transition by providing a greater understanding
                         Norwegian population, regardless of age, place of   of the opportunities available.
                         residence, work, and educational situation. Karri-  Situation-based web site content
                provides free, anonymous, and
                         quality-assured, drop-in career guidance via chat,   Situation-based content is an approach to provide
                         telephone, webinars, and website content, such as   self-help resources to all users from their own
                         tools, videos and articles.              perspective.  Resources  are  created based  upon

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