Page 27 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 27

©Euroguidance North Macedonia

                 The lecturers managed to unite the participants   Link to webinar:
                 in the group around the common learning goals
                 and created a positive atmosphere for sharing
                 good practice and mutual support. At the end of   Turning international experience into
                 the training, participants expressed a high level of   competencies with ELD cards – a joint
                 satisfaction with the training and demonstrated  project of Euroguidance Estonia and
                 enthusiasm and inspiration to continue to work and  Sweden
                 apply what they learned. All participants received   International learning mobility gives individuals a
                                                          chance to develop themselves both professionally
                 Webinar “Career guidance for people      and personally. ELD  is a method that helps to
                 with disabilities: Good practices”       identify the skills gained. To provide support in this
                 North Macedonia, October 2022            process, EG Estonia and EG Sweden offer a tool for
                                                          guidance practitioners – the ELD cards.
                 More than 100 participants from both the EG North
                 Macedonia region and elsewhere in Europe attend-  The learning that takes place during a mobility peri-
                 ed this online webinar on 13 October 2022, where   od includes all the practical and mental challenges
                 they were welcomed by Euroguidance ambassadors   that often are a large part of a stay abroad, but many
                 from North Macedonia. The presentations included:  of the skills that are attached to this kind of per-
                    •  The Employment Road: How a whole municipal-  sonal development are informal and more general.
                    ity building in North Macedonia was redesigned   UNESCO defines such skills as transversal, skills that
                    for employees with a disability: Simona Loveska   are typically considered as not specifically related to
                    – Social Services Advisor  for Vulnerable Groups   a particular job, task, academic discipline, or area of
                    – Municipality of Bitola, North Macedonia   knowledge and that can be used in a wide variety
                    •  Examples of good practice from Turkey, includ-  of situations and work settings (UNESCO TVETipedia
                    ing coaching and job clubs: Hüseyin Taşdeler,
                    Employment Assistant Expert – İŞKUR, Euro-   ELD Experience – Learning – Description, is a meth-
                    guidance Turkey                       od to identify valuable skills, talents, and character
                    •  Accessible Work 4 All, an online platform for   traits shown through real experiences. The process
                    all from Germany & Austria, Joanna Kinberger,   results in a summary of experiences accompanied
                    Equalizent                            by keywords that describe areas of competence.
                    •  Supporting students with a disability: Erika   The keywords are provided in a package of ELD
                    Papdi – Mándy Iván Vocational School Budapest,   cards that can be used as a tool for guidance
                    Hungary                               practitioners. The ELD cards simplify the process of

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