Page 41 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 41

M. Peter Præstgaard, Studievalg Danmark (Study and
                                                          Career Guidance Denmark) started the day by giving
                                                          an overview of the development of the ethical
                                                          dimension in Danish guidance. Mrs. Åsa Sundelin,
                                                          Department of Education and Didactics, University
                                                          of Stockholm, then presented ethics in Swedish
                                                          Guidance and answered numerous questions from
                                                          the audience., followed by Mrs. Anne Holm Nord-
                                                          hagen, University of South-Eastern Norway, who
                                                          gave two presentations. The first was about ethics in
                                                          career guidance based upon the national framework
                                                          of quality for career guidance in Norway, and the
                                                          second one was on ethical reflection with an intro-
                                                          duction to the ethical reflection cards, developed
                                                          in Norway. The cards served as a basis for many
                                                          interesting discussions among the participants. M.
                                                          Carsten Fogh Nielsen, external lecturer in Philoso-
                                                          phy, University of Southern Denmark, ended the day
                                                          with an overall conversation about ‘Guidance in the
                                                          perspective of profession and relation ethics
                                                          90 guidance counsellors participated in the con-
                                                          ference in Copenhagen, with 5 of the participants
                                                          coming from Sweden. Same day feedback was
                                                          overwhelmingly  positive.  A  new  conference  is
                 © Jesper Mørck
                                                          planned to take place in two years’ time as part of
                                                          the international competence development of the
                 Conference "The Ethical Dimension        guidance counsellors in Denmark.
                 in Scandinavian Career Guidance"         Conference “Online Guidance –
                 in October 2022, Denmark                 Building Relationships in Digital

                 Every second year EG Denmark arranges a confer-  Settings” Austria, November 2022
                 ence with an international perspective for career
                 guidance counsellors working at the Regional Guid-  The Austrian national Euroguidance conference
                 ance Centres (Studievalg) and at eGuidance (eVe-  on 16 November 2022 was dedicated to the Topic
                 jledning) with the aim of bringing new international   “Online Guidance – Building Relationships in Digital”.
                 knowledge and innovative practice to Denmark   Cynthia M. Harrison (Cedefop) introduced the topic
                 and to share it with Danish counsellors – “Interna-  with her keynote contribution “Digital developments
                 tionalisation at home”. This conference enables EG   in Lifelong Guidance”, followed by the Austrian ex-
                 Denmark to contribute to the development of the   pert Stefan Kühne, who discussed the opportunities
                 counsellors’ qualifications and professionalism. The
                 one-day conference took place in Copenhagen on
                 28  October 2022.
                 The topic of the conference and the programme
                 in 2022 was arranged with the help of a reference
                 group from the Regional Guidance Centre, who
                 wanted the conference to focus on the ethical
                 dimension of guidance. The Danish ethical principles
                 for career guidance were created back in 2006 and
                 new knowledge was welcomed. As some of the
                 reference group had heard an excellent speaker
                 from Norway, and Euroguidance Sweden had
                 recommended an excellent Swedish speak, it was
                 decided to organise a Scandinavian seminar in the
                 three Scandinavian languages.            © OeAD/APA-Fotoservice/Hörmandinger

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