Page 46 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 46

2.4         National Study Visits

                         Euroguidance centres across Europe are delighted that study visits resumed in 2022 after travel
                         restrictions due to the pandemic. Cross-border networking and study visits are having a growing
                         importance for guidance counsellors’ ongoing professional development, providing transnational
                         exchange of experience and best practice within the study visit groups themselves.

                         Study visit for the French-speaking      information, resources and good practices between
                         cross border working group for           professionals of the Greater Region.
                         guidance in Luxembourg, May 2022         Following the Euroguidance objectives of bringing
                         Euroguidance Luxembourg, the Maison de l’ori-  together and encouraging exchanges between
                         entation and the University of Luxembourg have   guidance professionals from different European
                         organised in collaboration a special visit for the   countries, the specificities of the University of
                         French-speaking cross-border working group for   Luxembourg and the offer of its 3 faculties were
                         guidance (LU/BE/FR) at the university of Luxembourg   presented so that professionals can develop their
                         on 19 May 2022. Its objective is the exchange of   knowledge and can help and advise the citizens

                         © Nicolas CODA

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