Page 47 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 47

© Euroguidance Germany
                 of  the  Greater  Region  on  training  and  mobility   centre located at the International and Specialized
                 opportunities in Luxembourg. The event brought   Services of the BA (ZAV). Participants were inter-
                 together 30 guidance professionals from the 3   ested to hear that the new strategy for “BA 2025”
                 border countries.                        has stronger focus on the individual, for example,
                 Study visit “Practical Insights into     by further expanding the counselling services at
                                                          schools and strengthening individual continuing
                 the German guidance services with        education. The fact that EURES and Euroguidance
                 the focus on international mobility"     staff work hand in hand in one team and that ZAV
                 Germany, May 2022                        counsellors are exclusively advising clients from
                 After a delay of two years, the Euroguidance Study   abroad or for abroad was also a new experience.
                 Visit finally took place in Bonn from 3 to 5 May   On the second day, the participants moved to the
                 2022. It had been planned for April 2020, but had   premises of the Bonn Employment Agency to learn
                 to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   about the BA’s national counselling services and
                 The Euroguidance study visit enables staff of   the career information centre. In the afternoon,
                 Euroguidance centres and guidance professionals   colleagues from the Job Centre took over and
                 in Europe to gain insights into the education and   provided information about support for refugees
                 guidance structures of another country. Under the   and migrants (Integration Point) as well as young
                 motto “Practical insights into the German guidance   people (Youth Employment Agency).
                 services with a focus on international Mobility”, 11   A workshop on the final day on developing compe-
                 participants from 8 countries (Belgium, Finland,   tencies around diversity for counselling, conducted
                 Greece, Poland, Malta, the Netherlands, Northern   by the IQ network, rounded off the programme and
                 Macedonia and the Czech Republic) got to know   gave the participants many new valuable ideas for
                 the national and international guidance services of   their guidance work. All in all, it was three intensive
                 the Federal Employment Agency (BA) and provided   days of mutual exchange. All participants were hap-
                 insights into their respective national structures   py to finally be able to meet again in the presence.
                                                          In the short time available, they received a rich
                 On the first day, the participants were given an in-  programme and new perspectives for their work.
                 sight into the international business of the BA at the   To sum it up in the words of one participant: Useful,
                 premises of the German national Euroguidance   fruitful, wonderful, meaningful – full meeting”.

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