Page 44 - Euroguidance Insight Magazine
P. 44

© Euroguidance Slovakia

                         practices as well as peer learning. This year a total of   organisations or institutions involved in career guid-
                         24 entries were submitted intended to target various   ance in Hungary were represented again. In 2022 we
                         range of clients, of which 5 received awards from the   evaluated working with young people and adults
                         expert jury. During the ceremony representatives   separately, focusing on best adaptable practice.
                         of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and   One of the winners was presented in Prague at the
                         Sport of the Slovak Republic and the Representation   international conference titled ‘Meeting the Future
                         of the European Commission in Slovakia praised the   Today’ in November 2022.
                         authors of all the submitted entries for their efforts   Link to presentations: https://euroguidance.nive.
                         and commitment in career guidance field. The   hu/magyarorszagi-jogyakorlatok-a-palyatanacsa-
                         award-winning submissions were then presented   das-teren-euroguidance-palyatanacsadoi-dijata-
                         at the International Euroguidance Conference in   do-es-konferencia-2022/
                         Prague (Czech Republic) and included in local career
                         guidance training for practitioners. Additionally,
                         winners of NCGA represented Slovakia at the Cross
                         Border Seminar in Riga Awarded submissions are
                         available at NCGA.
                         Hungarian Euroguidance Career
                         Guidance Award 2022

                         EG Hungary announced its call for applications for
                         the Euroguidance Career Guidance Award for the
                         fourth time in 2022. The aim of the award was to
                         collect Hungarian career guidance practices and
                         provide an opportunity for guidance professionals
                         or career counselling organisations to showcase
                         their activities and share their good practice. A total
                         of 33 applications were submitted and almost all   © Euroguidance Hungary

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