Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2012-autumn
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Euroguidance Insight

                                                                                                In this issue
          October 2012

                                      ► Cedefop Seminar in Thessaloniki: A culture of welcome is necessary
        Short news
                                      ► Interview with Anthony Watts on economic benefits of career guidance

        New guidance institution      ► Cross Border Seminar in Bled: Career management skills
        Hamburg opened a youth career
        guidance  agency  or  Jugendbe-  ► Interview with Lyn Barham on career guidance to older adults
        rufsagentur  -  JBA)  in  September
        2012. The JBA assists young peo-
        ple  in  finding  useful  formation
        and  work.  Guidance  counsellors   Migrants in the EU labour market –
        of  the  local  Agency  of  Employ-
        ment  will  work  together  with   excluded, exploited or active contributors?
        staff from different government-
        tal  institutions.  Hamburg  is  the   “Empowering vulnerable adults to tackle labour market challenges”, was the
        first  federal  state  (Bundesland)   issue debated on a Cedefop seminar in Thessaloniki which took place in June
        to have set up a JBA. Further re-
        gions are set to follow. The JBA in   2012. The conclusion of the seminar was that it is vital for Europe’s competiti-
        Hamburg  is  the  result  of  an   veness within a global economy to abolish obstacles preventing migrants and
        agreement  between  the  Federal   other vulnerable groups from participating in Europe’s labour markets.
        Ministry  for  Labour  and  Social
        Affairs, or Bundesministerium für   The global crisis hit Europe maybe wor- country.  The  overall  employment  rate

        Arbeit  und  Soziales  and  the   se than any other world region, espe- of  non-EU  citizens  living  in  the  EU27
        Federal  Agency  of  Employment   cially  since  it  is  coinciding  with  an  was  only  55.2  %  in  2010  (EU  citizens:
        (which  is  also  the  Euroguidance
        Centre Germany) or Bundesagen-  imminent  demographic  change,  lower  64.1%). In order to include this ethnic
        tur für Arbeit in 2010. The aim is   average  birth  rates  and  an  increasing  group  into  the  European  labour  mar-
        to  reduce  youth  unemployment   migration  rate.  This  alone  requires  kets,  various  reforms  will  be  necessa-
        by  furthering  young  people’s   great  efforts  to  encounter  the  ry,  for  instance  addressing  future  skill
        vocational integration.       problem.  And  as  if  that  were  not  needs  through  more  and  better  edu-

        IAEVG Conference in Mannheim   enough,  the  EU  aims  at  achieving  an  cation  and  training,  promoting  a  life-
        Euroguidance  Germany  organi-  employment  rate  of  75%  by  2020  cycle approach to active aging as well
        sed a Euroguidance stand at this   despite  the  currently  prevailing  high  as  tackling  labour  market  segmen-
        year’s conference of the Interna-  unemployment  rates.  This  ambitious  tation and segregation.
        tional Association for Educational   goal  can  only  be  reached  by  creating
        and Vocational Guidance (IAEVG)
        which took place at the Institute   new  jobs  and  by  increasing  labour  Migrants should be seen as a resource
        of Higher Education of the Feder-  market  participation  of  vulnerable  and  diversity  as  an  asset  to  working
        al Agency of Employment (Hoch-  groups.                                life. The EU27 should aim at fostering a
        schule der Bundesagentur für Ar-                                       culture  of  welcome,  which  is  open,
        beit – HdBA) in Mannheim. Euro-  In  2010,  32.4  million  foreigners  were  receptive  and  friendly  to  migrants.  As
        guidance  centres  from  other  EU
        countries  contributed  to  the   living in the EU member states; out of  the social, economic and civic integra-
        stand with promotional items.   these 12.3 million were EU27 nationals   tion  of  these  groups  is  a  highly,  com-
                                      living  in  another  member  state  20.1  plex  issue,  closer  policy  cooperation
        Clarissa Cordroch/Euroguidance   million were citizens from a non-EU   and coordination involving all relevant
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