Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2012-autumn
P. 2

Short News

                                                                                   LINK: Initiative to help people at risk
                                                                                   More than 40 career guidance practi-
                                                                                   tioners from Bulgaria, Poland and Spain
                                                                                   were trained to provide better services
                                                                                   to  clients  from  specific  risk  groups  –
                                                                                   low-skilled,  elder,  women,  migrants,
                                                                                   etc. The training is part of the European
                                                                                   project LINK – Career Services for Bet-
                                                                                   ter  Jobs  –an  EU  funded  initiative  ad-
     Photos: Irina Jemeljanova, Cedefop                                              dressing  the  challenges  within  the  la-
                                                                                   bour  market  for  people  at  risk  of  un-
    ministries, social partners, employers  ces that are aimed at them. To be in-  employment,  poverty  and  social  exclu-

    etc. will be required.                 volved  in  such  an  activity  can  be  an   sion.
                                           empowering  experience  for  them.
                                                                                   The 3 European countries - Bulgaria,
    The key to making working life more  One  aspect  strongly  emphasised  at
                                                                                   Poland  and  Spain  -  are  facing  similar
    multicultural  relies  in  the  first  place  the seminar was that guidance coun-  challenges with large groups of popula-
    on  a  political  and  institutional  will,  sellors,  teachers  and  trainers  play  a   tion, who are not seen as competitive in
    but  also  on  the  role  of  guidance  critical role in showcasing the success   the labour market. In order to support
                                                                                   them  in  acquiring  new  skills,  finding
    practitioners,  teachers  and  trainers,  which  migrants  experience  on  their
                                                                                   new jobs and managing their career in a
    which  is  critical.  On  the  other  hand  learning  and/or  career  path  in  their   better  way,  LINK  transfers  a  compre-
    migrants must improve their langua- new  home  country.  Advertising  and      hensive  training  methodology  which
    ge  skills  and  should  have  a  fair  promoting  the  good  results  that    has  been  developed  and  successfully
    knowledge  of  the  host  country’s  others have achieved may boost the        implemented in 10 EU countries. It has
    working  culture  (such  as  rules  and  educational  and  vocational  aspirati-  been  adapted  to  educate  social  wor-
                                                                                   kers, trainers, job mediators, trade uni-
    regulations,  norms  and  traditions,  ons of more migrants.
                                                                                   on specialists and other career guidance
    rights  and  obligations),  which  will                                        professionals working with such clients.
    facilitate their integration.          A good practice that is already in pla-  The  methodology  will  be  tested  with
                                           ce  in  a  great  many  countries  is  to   client pilot groups in the 3 countries.
    Guidance Counsellors, teachers         grant an annual award to an employ-
                                                                                   To  make  the  available  career  services
    and trainers play a critical role      yer  who  has  taken  concrete  action
                                                                                   more popular and accessible, the part-
    National  authorities  invest  substan- with encouraging results to promote    nership has launched an online map of
    tial amounts of funds in activities ad- multiculturalism at work. These types   the career services and providers in Bul-
    dressing  migrants,  but  its  impact  is  of  activities  contribute  to  increased   garia,  Poland  and  Spain.  The  map  is
                                                                                   available  on  the  project  website
    not always known to them. Therefore  visibility of migrant communities and
                                                                          Career profession-
    it is advisable to carry out evaluations  show them in a positive light. For mo-
                                                                                   als  who  are  interested  in  promoting
    to generate objective data about the  re information please have a look at     their  services  may  insert  their  contact
    successes and learning points of vari-                                         details free of charge.
    ous initiatives. In addition, it is often
                                                                                   The project is carried out by 6 partner
    helpful  to  engage  migrant  groups  in  vents/19913.aspx                     organizations from 5 EU  countries: Bu-
    the  design,  development,  delivery,
                                                                                   siness Foundation for Education and In-
    management and evaluation of servi-  Mika Launikari, Euroguidance Finland      stitute for Social, Economical and Trade
                                                                                   Union  Researches  (Bulgaria);  SURT
                                                                                   Foundation  (Spain);  University  of  Lodz
                                                                                   (Poland); BEST (Austria) and Folkuniver-
                                                                                   sitetet  (Sweden).  The  partnership  will

                                                                                   disseminate its outcomes in September
                                                                                   during  national  seminars  and  the  final
                                                                                   multiplier conference in Barcelona. LINK
                                                                                   has been implemented with the financi-
                                                                                   al support of the European Commission.

                                                                                   LachezarAfrikanov/Euroguidance Bulgaria
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