Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2012-autumn
P. 4

The Euroguidance network was esta- Professor Tony  Watts is  a  self-employed  international policy  consultant  on
    blished in 1992, so we celebrate the  career  guidance  and  career  development.  He  worked  as  a  consultant  for
    20   anniversary  this  year.  Do  you  many international organisations including the Council of Europe, European
    think that such a support of lifelong  Commission, OECD, UNESCO and the World Bank. He is a Founding Fellow

    career guidance services will be nee- and  Life  President  of  the  National  Institute  for  Careers  Education  and
    ded in the next 20 years?              Counselling, a member of the Board of the International Centre for Career
    The future of the EU is looking some- Development and Public Policy, a member of the Editorial Board of the British
    what  uncertain  at  the  moment,  Journal of Guidance and Counselling (which he founded) and the International
    linked  to  the  financial  crisis  in  the  Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance.
    Euro zone. But if the EU survives, as I
    hope  it  will,  the  Euroguidance  net- He is a Visiting Professor at the University of Derby; and Visiting Professor at
    work will continue to have an impor- Canterbury Christ Church University, he has lectured in more than sixty coun-
    tant role to play.                     tries. He has carried out a number of comparative studies of career guidance

    The interview was conducted by Stefan   systems around the world, and published a large number of books and articles
    Grajcar/Euroguidance Centre Slovakia and was   on  lifelong  learning  and  guidance,  as  well  as  employment.  Currently  he  is
    published in April 2012 for the e-journal Career
    Guidance in Theory and Practice (in Slovak)   a consultant to the European Commission´s European Lifelong Guidance Policy

      Career Management: Individuals should not rely on chance

    Career  management  skills  was  the  topic  of  this  year's  cross  border   The publications will provide readers
    seminar  which  took  place  in  Bled.  The  seminar  was  organised  by  the   with an international overview regar-
    Employment  Service  of  Slovenia  (Euroguidance  Centre  of  Slovenia)  in   ding career management skills in par-
    cooperation with the Euroguidance Centres of Austria, the Czech Republic,     ticipating  countries.  The  next  cross
    Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Poland, Slovakia and Switzerland.         border  seminar  will  take  place  in
                                                                                  Warsaw/Poland in spring 2013.

    Valerija  Čuček,  a  head  of  develop-  number  of  different  practical  points   Sabina Škarja MSc, Euroguidance Slovenia
    mental projects at Kadis, a small Slo-  of view in the workshops which were
    venian  HR  consulting  company,  ad-  performed by experts from participa-   The  cross  border  working  group  was  set
    dressed  some  of  the  commonly  ob-  ting  countries.  Themes  such  as  self-  up by  three  Euroguidance  Centres  (Austria,
    served difficulties  in  career  manage-  marketing,  empowerment,  life-de-  Czech  Republic,  Slovakia)  in  2005. The  main
    ment. One of these is whereby indi-    signing,  choice  theory,  career  and   objective  has  been  from  the  beginning  to
    viduals go through their professional   personal  growth,  personal  branding   organise seminars for guidance practitioners
    life  without  ever  making  fully  inten-  and  others  were  presented.  The   and policy makers in order to initiate discuss-
    tional  career  choices  or  career  choi-  presentations  of  the  workshops’   ions on a wide choice of professional topics.
    ces  based  on  information.  Instead   relevant publications are available at:   In  the  meantime  the  working  group  has
    they rely on chance or are unable to   grown to 11 Euroguidance Centres.
    take  responsibility  for  their  own  ca-  uroguidance_slovenia/cross_bord
    reer path.                             er_seminar

    The  lecture  was  based  on  practical   The organisers of the cross border se-
    learning  and  observations.  These    minar also provided two publications
    observations  were  based  on  labour   with practical examples of good prac-
    market  characteristics  and  the  ca-  tice, national surveys articles written
    reer  guidance  exposure  (or  non-ex-  by career experts.  Both publications
    posure)  which  participants  experien-  are based on the responses of several
    ced  in  their  past.  Career  manage-  national experts and are available on
    ment skills were presented through a    the above mentioned website.
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