Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2012-autumn
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Younger  people  tend  to  be  more  ting their career priorities and explo- always  seek  to  understand  and  help

     concerned  with  ambition  and  with  ring  the  opportunities  available  to  the  unique  person  who  appears  be-

     building  both  the  visible  aspects  of  them.  That  requires  career  counsel- fore them.

     career  (qualifications,  employment)  lors  with  professional  knowledge  of     The   interview   was   conducted   by   Stefan

     and  the  subjective  aspects  of  their  psychological  processes,  economic  Grajcar/Euroguidance Centre Slovakia
     own  working  identity.  Towards  the  conditions  and  specific  learning,     Short news
     end of working career, we found that  training and work opportunities.

     people  were  more  concerned  with
                                           Cohorts of so-called best agers, i. e.   WBS - Joint project effort
     evaluation  of  personal  priorities  for   those  of  50  years  or  more,  will  be   The  Business  Foundation  for  Education
     their remaining decades, for balance                                          (BFE)  presented  the  results  of  the
                                           more numerous in the next decades
     between  life  roles,  and  for  personal   than  now,  which  is  also  due  to  the   project  Web Based Job Search Support
     satisfaction.  Some  people  feel  that                                       (WBS)  to  60  Bulgarian  stakeholders  –
                                           fact  that  the  age  of  retirement  has   policy  makers,  career  advisors  and
     continuing in work satisfies personal
                                           been  increased.  How  should  gui-     national  education  experts  from  all
     needs;  others  need  to  continue  for   dance  and  counselling services  take   regions.  The  seminar,  which  took  place
     financial reasons. It is very important                                       on  April  26   in  Sofia,  was  the  closing
                                           this into consideration?
     to  “tune  in”  to  the  individual  and                                      national event of the WBS project.
                                           Our  viewpoint  in  the  chapter  was
     work  with  their  own  priorities.  But   that special services for older people
     that’s  true  of  good  guidance  at  any                                     WBS  combines  the  efforts  of  partners
                                           could  be  valuable,  as  the  ambiance   from  Italy,  Bulgaria,  Czech  Republic,
     age.                                                                          Poland, Slovenia and Spain, all of whom
                                           and  promotional  materials  could  be
                                                                                   launched  online  career  guidance  web-
     What do you think is psychologically  suited to their preferences. However,
                                                                                   sites  in  their  respective  countries.  The
     the biggest challenge in the process  we  felt  a  good  service  could  be
                                                                                   project  promoter  is  ASEV,  Italy.  The
     from working life into retirement?    delivered within an all age service as   partners  developed  a  unique  web  2.0-
     By the time people are aged 50 and  long  as  staff  active  with  this  client   based  methodology  for  online  career
     older,  they  will  have  had  a  long  group  had  some  additional  training   support.  The  highly  interactive  web
                                                                                   space  provides  job  seekers  with  indi-
     experience  of  work.  For  some,  that  to  understand  the  particular  needs
                                                                                   vidual online career advice and support
     will have been a satisfying experience  and  life-stage  of  older  people.  Once   from  experienced  guidance  practi-
     with  positive  personal  growth  and  again,  I  would  stress  that  the    tioners.  The  website  contributes  to  the
     achievement.  For  others  at  the  difference  between  a  late-career       promotion  of  career  services  and  in-
     opposite  extreme,  work  will  have  high-ranking professional worker and    creases access for all users.

     been an instrumental activity to earn  someone  who  has  spent  decades  in
                                                                                   The tool was piloted with users over the
     income,  and  their  real  interests  will  casual,  poor  quality  employment   past  year  and  its  features  have  been
     lie in other aspects of their personal,  outweighs the chance coincidence of   optimised  in  response  to  their  recom-
     social  and  cultural  life.  You  can  having the same birth date.           menddations. Romania and Greece join-
     imagine  many  shades  of  difference  So  to  answer  your  question,  and   ed  the  project  and  launched  their  nati-
     along  the  spectrum  between  these  confirm  the  theme  running  through   onal versions of the website.

     two extremes. Good career guidance,  my  comments,  all  clients  are         Since  2011  the  Bulgarian  website
     for people of any age, includes close  different.  With  many  years  of   has   attracted
     attention  to  the  unique  individual  working  experience,  those  differen-  more  than  16 000  visitors,  and  more
     and their personal intentions. People  ces   may    have   become     more    than 1400 registered active users.

     of all ages need support in articula-   ingrained. Career counsellors should    LachezarAfrikanov/Euroguidance Bulgaria

                                                            Clarissa Cordroch (responsible)
                                                            Euroguidance Germany

                                                            Hilary Lynch, Euroguidance Ireland
                                                            Dóra Stefánsdottir, Euroguidance Iceland
                              Dovile Rudzenske, Euroguidance Lithuania

              Scripts are very welcome and should be sent to the following email address: [email protected]
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