Page 7 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-autumn
P. 7

WIKI, a space for training on mobility for guidance practitioners

                                            In English:
                                            In French:
                                            In Dutch:

                                            Originating from the Mobility Working group of the Euroguidance
                                            network, this tool provides theoretical views and practical infor-
                                            mation  on  the  field  of  mobility  for  studying,  training  and  work
                                            purposes.  It  aims  to  provide  relevant  information  and  tools  for
                                            guidance counsellors working in the field of mobility advice
        A  WIKI  is  a  free  tool,  easy  to   In order to facilitate the updating     Further  reading:  selec-
        use  for  guidance  counsellors      process,  and  to  reach  a  larger        tion  of  articles  and  web-
        through  an  internet  connection.   audience,  we  created  3  WIK-            sites on the theme and;
        There  is  a  WIKI  available  in    ISPACES,  which    we  promote             Research: articles on re-
        English,  French  and  partially  in   during  training  sessions,  meet-       search  are  selected  and
        Dutch language.                      ings  and  various  media  (web-           synthesised     by    the
                                             sites,  social  media,  newslet-           member  of  the  Mobility
        From  the  beginning  the  objec-
        tive  of  the  Mobility  Working     ters…).  For  the  future  we  will        Working group.
                                             investigate  the  possibilities  of
        group  was  to  deliver  concrete                                        All those elements make devel-
        tools  which  would  inform  and     training  online,  through  webi-   oping  the  European  dimension
                                             nars, in order to  reach an even
        assist guidance  practitioners  on                                       in the training of guidance coun-
        the  theme  of  mobility.  A  first   greater  audience  of  guidance    sellors a reality by better under-
        publication  described  the  politi-  counsellors.                       standing  mobility  and  referring
        cal  context,  defined  mobility     The visitor of the WIKISPACES       to the recent point of views and
        advice, gave an overview of the      will  find  information  on  the  EU-  publications  on  this  theme.  It
        underlying  theoretical  concepts    ROGUIDANCE  network,  its  his-     contributes to the further profes-
        in  the  whole  mobility  process,   tory and objectives, on the con-    sionalisation  of guidance  practi-
        listed European tools facilitating   tent of our publication (which is   tioners  and  further  improves
        and valorising the mobility expe-    available  online  in  the  English,   their  expertise  on  international
        rience.                              French  and  Croatian  languages    mobility.
                                             and  partially  in  the  Greek  and
        Professional  standards  for  ad-
        vising  on  mobility  in  the  right   Dutch languages).
        circumstances  and  for  evalua-     The  WIKISPACES  also  con-         On behalf of the Mobility Work-
        tion  of  the  mobility  action  has   tains:                            ing group of the
        been  developed  and  integrated           Information  on  the  pro-    EUROGUIDANCE network,
        in  this  document. To  help  guid-                                      Graziana Boscato
        ance  counsellors  in  a  concrete          cess  of  mobility:  defini-
        way with their daily work, a prac-          tions,  theory,  models  for   EUROGUIDANCE France
                                                    mobility advice;
        tical  part  containing  lists  of  the                                  Jef Vanraepenbusch
        most relevant links and tools for          European  programmes          EUROGUIDANCE Flandres
        education, training and work for            for  education  and  train-
        every country was compiled and              ing,  European  tools  for
        updated  on  a  regularly  base.            mobility;
        Finally  bibliographic  references         Information  on  working
        are  available  at  the  end  of  this      abroad;
        publication.                               Publications  from  the
                                                    Mobility Working group;
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