Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-autumn
P. 4

Danish action plan: Enhanced insight through global outlook

        The Danish government has just       The second part of the plan will
        launched  the  first  part  of  an   be tabled later this year and will
        action   plan    for   increased     focus  on  how  Denmark  can  at-
        internationalisation of the higher   tract and retain talented interna-
        education     programmes      in     tional students in the future. An
        Denmark.                             English  summary  of  the  action
                                             plan  for  internationalisation  can
        The first part of the action plan,
        presented      now,     focuses      be found here. At the same time
                                             the Danish Eurodesk, Europass
        primarily  on  the  effort  to
        strengthen    the   international    and Euroguidance centres have
        competences  of  Danish  stu-        launched  a  new  website  called
        dents  and  on  the  international
        learning  environments  in  which,  which  shall
        Danish institutions are involved.    give  inspiration,  motivation  and
                                             information  to  all  Danish  stu-
        It   comprises    31    concrete
        initiatives      aimed        at     dents  and  Danish  young  per-
        accomplishing three objectives:      sons to plan for a study or work
                                             placement abroad.  The website
           More  students  should  study     presents  a  mix  of  videos,  live
            or take an internship abroad;    interviews  and  written  infor-    Birtha Theut, Euroguidance Denmark
           Danish     higher   education     mation  about  staying  abroad.  It
            institutions must have stron-    is connected to a Facebook site
            ger  international  learning     where  young  people  can  ex-
            environments;                    change  experiences,  discuss
           Students should have better       and raise questions about study-
            foreign language skills.         ing or working abroad.

        The French Euroguidance Network launches EMMA (Entretien
        Mobilité Module d’Autoformation), an online tool to train coun-

        sellors in mobility.

                                             counsellors  with  the  aim  of     the  expertise  they  have  gained
                                             helping  them  to  advise  their    in their practice.
                                             clients with mobility queries.
                                                                                 This tool has several goals:
                                             They were motivated by observ-
                                             ing the growing demand for mo-             to facilitate the first inter-
                                             bility  information  from  non-            view conducted by coun-
                                                                                        sellors concerning mobil-
                                             specialist  advisers,  the  lack  of
                                             exhaustive  professional  tools            ity
                                             available online on the theme of           to provide them  with the
                                             mobility  and  the  difficulty  in  or-    required information
                                             ganising  many  sessions  of               to  promote  geographic
                                             classroom training.                        mobility   amongst    the
                                                                                        general public.
                                             Professional  resource  centres
                                             EUROGUIDANCE-France                 The course is made up of three
                                             chose  to  build  a  training  tool   interactive  modules  based  on
        Euroguidance       centres    in     online  which  would  represent     teaching methods and principles
        France  are  training  guidance                                          drawn  from  the  experience  of
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