Page 5 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-autumn
P. 5

professionals in the field and on    The second module is a tablet, a    and  disseminating  a  European
        the logic of the learners who are    toolkit  that  identifies  the  infor-  mobility culture.
        actively involved in their training   mation needed to guide, advise     The  tutorial  is  partially  accessi-
        path.                                and  assist  the  candidate  carry-  ble  to  people  with  disabilities
                                             ing  a  mobility  project.  Infor-
        Learners  must  participate  to      mation is sorted by topic: study    thanks  to  off-screen  commen-
        progress  through  the  training                                         taries  and  subtitles.  It  is  freely
        course;  however  they  can  also    abroad,  internships,  employ-      available  on  the  website  Eu-
        leave  a  module  and  resume  it    ment, volunteering and different    roguidance-France :
                                             types of mobility.
        later at the same place (or even                                         www.euroguidance-
        from a different place). The total   The  third  module  enables  the
        time  per  module  is  about  30     user to review the actions need-    A  promotional  campaign  of  the
        minutes.                             ed to prepare a departure to the    tool  to  all  professional  mobility
                                             country of destination as well as
        The  first  module  contains  the                                        networks is underway. There will
        key points of the first interview in   essential  preparations  for  suc-  be a satisfaction survey of users
                                             cessful return to France.
        mobility.  Two  people  play  the                                        next year. This tool is in French
        role  of  the  user  and  consultant   With  this  application,  the  mem-  (but can be adapted to any lan-
        in  different  contexts:  research   bers  of  the  Euroguidance  net-   guage).
        internship,  further  education,     work  aim  to  achieve  a  sort  of
        language  training...  It  tries  to   « domino  effect »  by  training
        identify  all  the  problems  of  mo-  people  capable  of  passing  on   For  more  information  Contact:
        bility that can be expressed in a    the  information  about  mobility   [email protected]
        first request.
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