Page 1 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-autumn
P. 1

Euroguidance Iceland
                                                                                          held a “Conversation
                                                                                          about Erasmus+”

                                                                                           Private companies
                                                                                          prefer experience from

                                                                                           Career Week 2013 in
                                                                                           Danish action plan:
                                                                                          Enhanced insight
                                                                                          through global outlook

                                                                                           The French Euroguid-
        Euroguidance Iceland held a “Conversation                                         ance Network launch-
        about Erasmus+”                                                                   es EMMA

        As a preparation for the Erasmus+ programme which started at the be-               The 3s Method in Ca-
        ginning  of  this  year,  the  Euroguidance  Centre  in  Iceland  held  a  some-  reer Counselling
        what unusual meeting with stakeholders at the end  of 2013. The event               WIKI, a space for train-
        was called „Conversations about Erasmus+”.                                        ing on mobility for
                                                                                          guidance practitioners

        First  of  all,  the  conference  was   schools  at  all  levels  and  other   debate and, for a while, it looked
        not an open event like has been      training  institutions,  teachers’   like participants wanted to tackle
        the  case  for  many  years,  but  a   and  headmasters’  unions  and    all  the  challenges  ahead  in  the
        “by  invitation  only”  event  where   human   resources   managers      coming  years.Each  participant
        relevant   stakeholders    were      from  companies  that  have  ex-    was given three votes that he or
        invited.  The  title  “Conversation   celled in training their staff. After   she  could  distribute  on  the
        about  Erasmus+”  was  also          three  short  panel  discussions    board  with  all  the  issues  they
        unusual,  we  invited  people  to    where the present situation was     had  previously  said  that  they
        come and discuss how the new         analysed,   participants   were     wanted to tackle. To the organ-
        Erasmus+  programme  could  be       invited  to  world  café  style     isers’  surprise,  the  ‘usual  sus-
        of  best  use  to  further  the      debates  on  three  themes;  what   pects’-dropout  and  increased
        national policy on education and     Iceland   is   doing   well   in    funding-  did  not  make  it  to  the
        training. The people invited were    education  and  training,  the      top  10  list.  The  most  important
        from  the  Ministry  of  Education,   challenges   ahead   and   the     issue  was  making  a  more flexi-
        Science  and  Culture,  social       challenge  in  the  coming  seven   ble  system  of  education  and
        partners  (both  employers’  and     years.  This  was  the  part  of  the   training and the number two was
        employees’          federations),    event  which  drew  the  heaviest   learning more from good exam-
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