Page 6 - euroguidance-insight-newsletter-2013-autumn
P. 6
The 3s Method in Career Counselling
The Sifting, shaping, and sharing – Brainstorming Career Paths through Bread-making method (the
3s method) was presented during a workshop within the Austrian Euroguidance Conference 2013 -
„Building the Evidence Base“- Face-to-Face Counselling: Methods and Impact.
The conference focussed on ships: At each one of the three main
face-to-face counselling in com- stages of bread-making (sifting,
bination with the question of the The participants in the 3s work- shaping, and sharing) the partic-
expected impact which is be- shop had the opportunity to real- ipants take on three different
coming increasingly important ise the values of this instrument roles – dreamer, critique, and
due to the current crisis on the for experiential learning, that realist – in order to measure the
European labour market. A solid uses the metaphors of bread- created ideas from various per-
evidence base at governmental making to help people rethink spectives and “knead” and
level helps to develop strate- their lives and come up with new shape them in the most con-
gies, policies and systems. The ideas of alternative career and structive and plausible way in
Euroguidance Conference personal paths. order to turn them into viable
aimed to present selected ap- alternatives. The key third sec-
proaches and effective methods This method can be applied with tion, the “sharing” of the baked
in regard to careers guidance. groups of either 1) similar back- bread, creates a unique sense
ground (peers; students; profes- of comfort, support, and com-
The 3s method was developed sional team; community organi-
by Mrs. Nadezhda Savova, Bul- zation or 2) from diverse back- munity, thus truly giving people
garian cultural anthropologist grounds in order to foster cross- the needed self-esteem and
confidence that an alternative
(PhD Princeton University), pollination of ideas and skills
president of the International come together around one table path is possible.
Council for Cultural Centres (a true “roundtable” not only of
(I3C) and founder of the Bread verbal discussions but also of
Houses Network where neigh- hands-on doing) and engage in
bours can bake bread, ex- collective bread-making.
change ideas and form friend-
Photos from the workshop: