Page 14 - The-Role-of-Parents-in-Guidance
P. 14

                      Take  advantage  of  the  most  diverse  situations  to  express
                      encouragement  and  support  to  your  children.  Whenever  there  is
                      effort and persistence, praise the result obtained. In the experiments
                      of trial and error one obtains small personal achievements and one
                      learns to persevere and to find a way to make things work. When one
                      fears failure too much, one feels unable to try success.

                      Encourage  your  children  to  face  their  fears  through  concrete
                      activities.  In  doing  so,  children  often  discover  resources  that  they
                      thought they did not possess and begin to feel more confident and
                      effective.  Some  ‘radical  experiences’  (e.g.  climbing)  are,  after  all,
                      controlled ways of facing the challenge and feeling empowered. Help
                      your  children  identify  situations  that  have  helped  them  feel  more
                      confident in themselves, in order to embrace opportunities and face
                      future challenges.


                      Family-based sharing of responsibilities, negotiating with children the
                      division  of  age-adjusted  tasks.  Do  not  give  in  to  facilitating  or
                      performing the combined tasks for the children. As the children grow
                      up, involve them in the planning and implementation of activities that
                      also concern them, such as setting the budget for family expenses,
                      shopping for the family, going out for a weekend, holidays, etc. It is
                      important for each one to cooperate and feel part of a whole.

                      Encourage  your  children  to  take  on  new  social  roles  outside  the
                      family, broaden their relationships, and adjust to various people and
                      situations  (e.g.  holiday  or  part-time  work  experiences,  volunteer
                      activities, recreational and cultural activities, make certain trainings
                      outside  of  school,  such  as  a  first  aid  course,  have  a  learning
                      experience in another country).

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