Page 10 - The-Role-of-Parents-in-Guidance
P. 10

                 Talk to your children about:
                      Quem eles pensam que é responsável pelo futuro. É fundamental fazer
                      sentir  aos  filhos  que  acredita  que  eles  são  capazes  de  assumir
                      gradualmente  a  sua  autonomia  e  responsabilizarem-se  pelas  suas

                      What  factors  determine  how  life  will  go.  Destiny?  Chance?  The
                      general  state  of  the  world?  Share  with  your  children  personal
                      situations  or  of  relatives  and  friends  in  which  the  driving  force,
                      determination  and  personal  capacity  to  exercise  control  were
                 Talk to your children about:

                      How to explore more about who they are, the educational and training
                      opportunities  and  the different  occupations.  For  the formulation  of
                      ideas and possible scenarios for the future, it is essential to be curious
                      and be an explorer about oneself and the world around you.

                      Who are the people your children most admire. What do they admire
                      in these people? What activities do these people carry out? What did
                      they do to get there? How do these people currently qualify in these
                      areas  of  activity?  What  other  professional  activities  are  related  to
                      them? From your children’s interests, stimulate the search for other
                      similar areas of activity.
                 Talk to your children about:

                      Como eles costumam enfrentar os desafios. Com confiança, ou evitam
                      pôr-se à prova com receio de falhar. Perceba melhor até que ponto os
                      seus filhos desvalorizam as suas capacidades e competências.

                      From what your children say or do, help them to better understand
                      who they are by looking for their strengths in terms of personality,
                      values,  interests,  abilities  and  skills.  The  construction  of  your
                      children’s life project must bet on their strengths and allow them to
                      express themselves.

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