Page 8 - The-Role-of-Parents-in-Guidance
P. 8

Their Life Belongs to Them

           As children grow older, it is important to encourage them to make
           decisions and hold them accountable for them. If, from an early age,
           this is the practice, children and young people will naturally learn to
           make their choices and their autonomy will progress. It is essential
           to ensure that the young person takes the decision, de-dramatising
           a possible future need for reformulation of projects. The fact is that
           when we feel are the driving force behind a given action, we will more
           easily work on overcoming any obstacles that may arise along the
           way. Autonomy also brings responsibility.

           Thus, the active involvement from parents does not mean deciding
           for their children or conducting their choices. It does mean to be a
           dynamic element in dialogues and activities that will make children's
           projects be built on a more solid and conscious basis.
           It is necessary to identify and make available good information that
           allows young people to be aware of the various possibilities for their
           school  or  professional  pathways,  thus  being  able  to  consciously
           choose new alternatives and innovative solutions. Although children
           can share many of their ideas and ideals with the family, "their life
           belongs to them".

                    In summary, in order to support
                    children, it is necessary to take into
                    account that…
                      Life belongs to the young person, he is the decision maker;
                      Autonomy also brings responsibility;
                      Parents are allies and facilitators;
                      We must be open to what is less known.

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