Page 11 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Euroguidance Network Meeting, Michael van der Cammen, Head of International
October 2020: the first virtual Affairs at the BA, opened the event on behalf of
Euroguidance Network Meeting the German Euroguidance Centre and welcomed
the participants. In his opening speech, he present-
The German Euroguidance Centre, the Federal ed the BA's concept of lifelong guidance. Stefan
Employment Agency (BA), organised the second Schneider, Head of the Erasmus Unit at the Federal
Euroguidance Network meeting of the year. It took Ministry of Education and Research, presented in
place virtually for the first time. his speech the main education policy topics of
the German EU Presidency and emphasised the
More than 50 participants exchanged good practice importance of the Euroguidance Network for
examples from their Euroguidance centres in peer Europe in the field of educational mobility and
learning sessions and discussed current national career guidance.
initiatives and developments at European level in
the plenary session On behalf of the European Commission, Aline
Jürges gave the participants an overview of current
The agenda focused on the future direction and policy developments at European level, focusing
governance of the Euroguidance Network under on 3 EU initiatives: Youth Employment Support: a
the new Erasmus+ programme and on the ap- Bridge to Jobs for the Next Generation, the Euro-
pointment of a nominating committee for the elec- pean Skills Agenda and the VET Recommendation.
tion of the new Steering Group to be established
role of Euroguidance in the soon-to-be-launched of Euroguidance evaluation and impact measures from February 2021. The results of a Euroguidance The interactive and varied programme was very well
Europass platform, the results of the European at Network level was presented by Mr. Guest stakeholder survey were also presented. moderated by external consultant Mr. Paul Guest.
Commission Study on Lifelong Guidance and new based on the study of the Network's work plans
potential national and network-level activities in and reports after the first half of the activity period
the context of the new programming period and (2018-2019). As a regular part of the meeting the
in line with the needs identified in a guidance Euroguidance Network internal working groups
study. The key focus of the entire meeting was convened with discussions focusing on the analy-
on identifying future priorities and opportunities for sis, evaluation, design and development of ideas
collaboration and this formed part of the workshop for Euroguidance post 2020 and turning these
delivered by Mr. Paul Guest, a consultant and a ideas into Network-level action plans. A short
former Euroguidance member. In addition, a review highlights video of the meeting is available HERE.