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and policies and practices developed in the field   Network Publications   future actions which will better address the needs
 of guidance across Europe.                               of beneficiaries. Therefore, in 2020, towards the
                 In addition to the previous 2019 ‘Highlights’ pub-   end of the (then) Erasmus+ programme, the Eu-
 In 2020, the group created a manual for collecting   lication, MTG3 coordinated the publication of two   roguidance Network undertook a survey at Euro-
 and sharing guidance practices. The aim of the   issues of the Euroguidance Network’s  ‘Insight’   pean level addressing its key stakeholders; career
 collection  and sharing  of  guidance practices  is   Magazine in  2020, which covered ‘Leading   guidance practitioners and various professionals
 to develop a quality repository and in that way   innovations’ in the June issue and ‘Responses to   active in the field of guidance and counselling.
 to contribute to the visibility and credibility of   COVID-19: Smart Ways to Move Forward‘ in the   The questions referred to activities organised by
 guidance and the promotion of mutual learning   December issue.   the Euroguidance Network in 2019 and in the first
 among  countries.  Practices  represented  in  any       part of 2020.
 future repository will ultimately meet the criteria   Social Media
 outlined in the manual.  The Euroguidance Network’s Facebook Page con-  A total of  832 participants, from  34 European
 A  new  manual  for ‘newcomers’ – newly joined   tinued to be used for the posting of updates and   countries, responded to a multilingual online
                                                          questionnaire, originally designed in English and
                 news about international mobility and guidance
 members of the Euroguidance Network – was also           subsequently translated into 29 languages. The
 introduced.     related topics. During the pandemic, the page con-
                 tinued to serve as a source of support for the Euro-  largest  proportion  of  respondents  were  school
 During 2020 there was a growing interest in we-  pean guidance community in times when working   counsellors (38%) and counsellors in the employ-
 binar participation. Webinars on career guidance   and learning mobility were severely challenged,   ment field (15%). Almost half of respondents had
 topics were organised and made open to the   promoting many webinars and new ways of online     more than 10 years of experience in the field of
 whole European guidance community (see later   cooperation.   career guidance.
 article); with the aim to support peer learning.         Key findings of the survey
                 For statistical information in relation to the Eurogu-
 In 2020 the Euroguidance centres of the Czech   idance Network and Facebook Page see the ‘Facts   Related to what ‘went well’, respondents identified
 Republic and Serbia acted as leaders of MTG2.   and Figures’ chapter.   the important role of the Euroguidance Network
 The other members involved were the Eurogu-              in facilitating learning and development. 92% of
 MTG1 updated and enriched a ‘Mobility Advice    idance Centres in Belgium (FL), Bulgaria, Cyprus,   In 2020 the Euroguidance centres of Austria and
 Interview’ publication to transform it into an online   Norway acted as leaders of the group. The other   stakeholders (762 respondents) considered that
 document. This brochure outlines ‘Guidance Coun-  Greece, Hungary, Malta, North Macedonia, Poland,   members involved were the Euroguidance centres   the Euroguidance activities  they participated in
 Portugal, Romania and Slovakia.
 selling for Mobility’ - its definition, the psycho-   in Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Germany,   were very relevant or relevant for their work.
 logical context and useful additional resources   Main Task Group 3: Information    Ireland, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands,   The activities brought benefits for knowledge,
 for the professional. It will be accessible on the   Provision and Communication  Turkey and the United Kingdom.  competence and networking: 86% of participants
 Euroguidance website in 2021.                            said they have improved their knowledge (e.g.
 Over the  course  of  2020  the group supported   Euroguidance Network:   more, updated or in depth knowledge of career
 An additional mobility support document, pro-  Network-level actions with the aim of enhancing   Stakeholders’ Survey  guidance in a national/European context);  73%
 duced by a Belgian training institution (Itineris),   and promoting the overall visibility of the Eurogu-  considered that they have developed additional
 was translated into English and is available on   idance Network towards its primary target group,   Stakeholders` voices, opinions and feedback are  competences (e.g. intervention methodologies,
 the Euroguidance website Academia Experience   the European community of guidance practice.   very useful in understanding the strengths and  career management skills); and  71% said they
 Section. It is titled ‘Travel Diary’ and is a peda-  weaknesses of the Network, as well as for designing  have extended networking and collaboration (e.g.

 gogical support document that can be used by the   As well as assuming responsibility for external
 guidance professional or by their clients, before,   communications, MTG3 took ownership of internal
 during and after a mobility experience. It helps to   communications processes and provided support
 prepare for mobility, to have points of reference   and guidance to Network members in this regard.
 during mobility and it gives elements to enhance   Network Website
 the mobility experience on return.
 The Euroguidance Network website is the central
 In 2020 the Euroguidance Centres of France and
 Belgium (FR) acted as leaders of the group. The   platform through which the Euroguidance Network
 provides  access  to  information  and  the  main
 other members involved were the Euroguidance
 centres in Austria, Croatia, Germany, Ireland, Italy,   leverage point for the dissemination of European
 guidance related resources to the wider guidance
 Latvia, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Slovenia
 and Spain.  community. This support by Euroguidance was
 especially relevant during the pandemic
 Main Task Group 2:  when  physical  mobility  came  to  a  standstill.
 Competence Development  In  2020, all Euroguidance Centres individually
 populated relevant content such as news,
 The Euroguidance Network ‘Main Task Group 2’   events and publications to this platform.
 (MTG2) supports competence development within   These news items were distributed through
 the Network as well as in the European guidance   the newly established Network  ‘Newsletter’ -
 community through sharing experiences, informa-  a monthly e-mail communication highlighting up to
 tion  about  events  and  projects,  new  initiatives,   date and relevant news from the Network.

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