Page 12 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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1.2         Euroguidance                                                                                    from this work in 2020 were the two ‘Memoranda  centres of Sweden and Estonia acted as chair
                                                                                                                                        of Understanding’ that the Network signed with  and co-chair of the group. Other members were
                                                                                                                                        the International Association of Educational and  the  Euroguidance centres in Iceland (non-EU
                                                                                                                                        Vocational Guidance and with the European Basic  representative), Croatia, Finland, Germany, and
                         'Task Groups'                                                                                                  Skills Network. The aim being to develop long-  Romania (EU presidency representatives)  and
                                                                                                                                                                                 Austria, France, and Czech Republic (Task Group
                                                                                                                                        term strategic co-operation.
                                                                                                                                        Evaluation activities
                                                                                                                                        During the  period,  the Steering  Group  had also   Main Task Group 1:
                                                                                                                                        initiated and supported the collection of evidence   Supporting the development
                                                                                                                                        about the outcomes and benefits of the whole  of the European dimension
                                                                                                                                        Network. Here, an impact assessment of interim  of lifelong guidance.
                                                                                                                                        reports was carried out in cooperation with an
                                                                                                                                        external evaluator. Other evaluation approaches   The members of the ‘Main Task Group 1’ (MTG1)
                         The three ‘Main Tasks Groups’ and ‘Steering Group’ of the Euroguidance Network work on topics                  included a members’ survey carried out in 2018,   met together at the Network meeting in Dubrovnik
                         and issues that are of relevance and strategic importance to the whole Network. These groups                   2019 and 2020 on the working methods of cen-  and remotely for the meeting in Bonn. They ex-
                         were formed in April 2019 and continued their work in 2020. These task groups deal (broadly)                   tres and a stakeholders’ survey (see later article)   changed and continued to develop training tools
                         with strategy; mobility and the European dimension in guidance; competence development and                     addressing the main target group, guidance prac-  aimed at developing the competences of guidance
                         information provision and communication. Activities include the development of tools and resources             titioners, to consider the impact of Euroguidance   professionals for mobility.
                         for guidance professionals and the dissemination information pertaining to the European dimension              and to adapt to the changing needs of the future.  In several countries (Sweden, Estonia, Ireland and
                         of Lifelong Guidance. In the following sections there are short summaries of the main activities and                                                    France) Euroguidance Centres have developed dis-
                         outcomes of these task groups, over 2020. In addition we provide details of a ‘stakeholder survey’             Network plans and meetings               tance learning platforms for guidance professionals
                         coordinated by and through the Network.                                                                        To ensure internal communication and involvement   to assist them in their professional practices in the
                                                                                                                                        of members, the SG has continued to prepare   field of mobility. MTG1 compared the contents and
                                                                                                                                                                                 saw that we had common approaches and at the
                         Steering Group                                                                                                 and review the joint action plan for Network   same time national specificities and somewhat
                                                                                                                                        level activities. As the EU presidency countries
                         Last year of pilot for the EG steering group                                                                   are regular members of the Steering Group, and   different modes of certification. MTG1 launched
                                                                                                                                        usually arrange the Network meetings each year,   the idea of proposing a common ‘European
                         The three-year contractual period (2018-2020)                                                                  the Steering Group has also continued to facilitate   Course’, which could then be adjusted to broader
                         inspired Euroguidance members to find new ways                                                                 the preparation of such Network meetings.  national contexts. A survey will be carried out in
                         to work together at Network level. The main                                                                                                             2021, within the Network, in order to be more
                         change was the establishment of a Steering Group                                                               The Steering Group had one face-to-face and ten  fully aware of existing courses and to ascertain
                         (SG) and the restructuring of working groups. It                                                               on-line meetings during the year. The Euroguidance  the potential impact of such a proposed project.

                         was agreed that the Steering Group should review
                         the working methods, cooperation arrangements
                         and general governance at Network level at the
                         end of the contractual period.
                         ...decision to continue                  or the contribution to the EMPL online week ‘Your
                         At the virtual Network meeting in Bonn in October  Skills and Jobs’
                         2020, as a result of the successful initiative, it was   Euroguidance 2020+
                         decided that we should continue with the ‘new
                         way of working’, including the composition of the  Considering the new Erasmus+ programme
                         Steering Group and the procedure for nomination  period, the SG drafted a Memo on ‘Euroguidance
                         of group leaders. A nomination committee was  beyond 2020’. The proposal was sent to the whole
                         established, to facilitate the appointment of leaders  Network for approval and then distributed to DG
                         for the next two-year period.            Employment to be taken under consideration in
                                                                  defining any revised terms of reference for Eu-
                         Communication with DG Employment
                                                                  roguidance. The feedback was that the memo was
                         One  of the tasks for the Steering Group is to  valuable and helps advance common reflections.
                         define the strategic priorities for the Network and   Cooperation agreements
                         the Steering Group had continuous communication
                         with DG Employment on EU level developments in  The Steering Group is also responsible for the
                         which the Network can contribute with its exper-  exchange of information with other relevant inter-
                         tise, for example, the launch of the new Europass  national stakeholders. The most prominent result

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