Page 19 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Client in Career Guidance’. More than 150 guidance  participated. The Cross-Border Seminar ended with
 counsellors and other guidance professionals from  a virtual tour of Lisbon. All outputs from the event
 19 European countries attended the event. Two  can be found HERE.
 keynote speakers were connected virtually to the
 ‘studio’, from where their speeches were streamed   Learning by Leaving Conference
 to an online platform for the seminar participants.  ‘Inclusion in Mobility’
 The afternoon programme consisted of 5 parallel   The Learning by Leaving Conference 2020 – a joint
 workshop sessions for participants to exchange   conference for the European mobility networks
 good practices. All outputs from the event can be   Eures, Eurodesk, Europass  and Euroguidance –
 found HERE.
 continued the series that aims to establish closer
 Cross-Border Seminar ‘Transition as    cooperation between the European mobility net-
 a Process: The Role of Guidance’  works through regular exchange of information,
 best practices and peer learning.
 The Directorate-General of Education, through
 the Portuguese Euroguidance Centre in cooper-  In a time of lockdown due to COVID-19, the
 Austrian organisers were faced with a sudden
 ation with the CBS Group, organised the online
 Cross-Border Seminar 2020 on November 26  and   decision, and opted to go ahead with the planned
 conference as a virtual meeting between June 4–5.
 27 , under the theme above.
 The focus of the conference was inclusion in
 The Commission was represented by Aline Juerges
 who presented the opening session. For two days,   mobility, a topic that will also be at the heart of
 the new Erasmus+ programme period. How can
 in addition to the plenary lectures by professor   fresh thinking and cooperation on e-Guidance and  How to go on from here?
 Alexandra Araújo, which focused on ‘Facilitating   we best support learners and workers with addi-  on digital approaches and for smart investments.“
 tional needs, including those from underprivileged
 Successful School and Career Transitions’, and by        In a session called ‘The past, the Present and the
 professor Jêróme Rossier, which pointed out to   backgrounds and migrants? Are our existing tools   An inspiring speech by Ali Mahlodji, founder of  Future,’ colleagues from the German and Italian
 and information sufficient or do we need to make
 ‘The Importance of Providing Life-Long Career   the whatchado platform (originally an Erasmus+  teams gave insight into the conferences in Cologne
 Guidance for All in an Uncertain World’, it was   changes to make successful mobility achievable   project) and EU Youth Ambassador set the scene  (2018) and Cagliari (2019), as well as (this) virtual
 for everyone?
 possible to participate in workshops organized by   for intense discussion on inclusion, and how to  Viennese LbL20 conference.
 specialists from each of the represented countries.  In her opening speech Alison Crabb (European   achieve inclusive learning and work mobility: ‘No   A Mentimeter-poll among participants gave a clear
 About 80 guidance practitioners from the educa-  Commission) stated: ”As we look ahead to re-  one is a system error and every person, regardless   mandate to work on a continuation of the Learning
 tion and employment sectors of Austria, Belgium,   covery from the economic and social impacts of   of gender, religion, origin, skin color, disability or   by Leaving series and immediately several centers
 Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary,   COVID-19, one feeling is emerging from the crisis –    sexual orientation, should have a chance to find   agreed to host a Learning by Leaving conference
 Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia  there are also opportunities opening up for some   their calling.’   in the upcoming years.
                 More than 120 colleagues from over 30 countries
                 entered the discussions during this 2-day virtual   In a quick additional poll at the end of the confer-
                 conference. When asked about the most important   ence participants spontaneously came up with the
                 aspects to consider in order to achieve the overall   above (wordcloud) topics to be discussed in future
                 goal of ‘inclusion in mobility’, members of the four   Learning by Leaving conferences:
                 European mobility networks identified ‘co-opera-  Further results of the conference as well as videos
                 tion’ as the most prominent starting point.   of keynote speeches can be found HERE.
                 The organisers not only relied on the work of a   Career Guidance Awards (Hungary)
                 dedicated technical support team in this complete-
                 ly new situation, but also on the great flexibility  A ‘National Career Guidance Award’ scheme has
                 of the colleagues of all networks, who offered to  been organised in a number of countries within
                 hold 3 workshops on Zoom instead of face-to-face  the Euroguidance Network. The idea of collecting
                 (as originally planned), and who led nine inspiring  practices within the field of guidance originates
                 table discussions in a virtual format.   from the  Slovakian and Czech Euroguidance
                                                          Centres, who have been running their national
                 The Workshop themes included:            awards since 2009. In the past year more coun-
                    •  DINAMO - A distant training on mobility in   tries, such as Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, Lithuania
                    guidance;                             and Latvia have joined the initiative. The good
                    •  ‘Euro-Quest’ and ‘Time to Move’ - Promoting   practices identified in the participating countries
                    educational and inclusive mobility across   are collected in ‘compendiums’.
                    •  Future Time Traveller - Digital inclusion in  The Hungarian Euroguidance Centre announced
                    career guidance for generation Z.     its call for applications for the Euroguidance Career

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