Page 21 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Counselling Award for the third time in  2020.  'Your Skills and Jobs’ Online Week  order that the sufficient reflection time was given
 The international award ceremony and the good   and  to  ultimately  use  the  session  in  the  most
 practice sharing seminar with over 120 attendees   Organised by the Commission between the 30 th   efficient way.
 took place online. Invitations were sent not only to   of November and 4  December 2020, the event
 the national guidance community but also to the   provided students, young people looking for a first   The experience of both candidate and guidance
                 counsellor was extremely positive.
 Euroguidance Network.   job, experienced workers or entrepreneurs the op-
 portunity to find out what the EU is doing to help   ‘At these difficult and strange days, it is more
 This  year  again,  the  objective  of  the  prize  was  them to find jobs and manage their career. They   important than ever before to support, especially
 to collect (primarily) Hungarian career guidance  were given a chance to share their experiences   young people, in their career development and
 practices and to provide an opportunity for career  and receive advice from experts on drafting CVs,   encourage them to keep on dreaming. The prize
 guidance or career counselling organisations to  job and apprenticeships opportunities, on skills, and   of a counselling session was a great idea, that
 showcase their activities and share their good  much more.  was extremely appreciated by my candidate and
 practices. A total of 33 applications were submit-
 ted. Almost all organizations or institutions involved   of course, by me as a guidance counsellor and a
 in career guidance in Hungary were represented   Euroguidance member. It was a truly interesting
 this time again.   experience.’ -  Vouli Tetradakou (Euroguidance
 At the event the first three award recipients with
 the highest scores were presented in the plenary   Nordic/Baltic e-Course for Guidance   Participants undertake self-learning, facilitated
 part, during the workshops, some of which were   practitioners  online group lessons and independent group
 in English, participants were introduced to 16 more   The Nordic and Baltic Euroguidance Centres have   assignments. The learning platform contains texts,
 entries. Each country where the competition took   developed a common non-academic online course   images, videos and links to additional material
 place participated and held presentations on  There were:  to support internationalisation among guidance   related to the module themes. The purpose of
 their awarded projects, such as Slovakia, Czech     •  13 live chats with job experts;  professionals. The structure for the e-course   the course is to contribute to proactive mobility
 Republic,  Latvia,  Serbia  and  Hungary. A joint     •  2 quizzes on green & digital skills;  was developed during the network meeting in   guidance  in  order  to  motivate  more  pupils  and
 compendium is being prepared on the awarded     •  A unique opportunity to WIN a 1-hour personal   Dubrovnik and the content developed during the   students to step out into the world. It is expected
 projects of these countries.  counselling session with a career guidance   summer of 2020. Additional feedback about the   that the course participants will become more con-
 Concerning both the COVID-19 situation and the   practitioner from the Euroguidance Network.  course structure, length, content and interactivity   fident in providing support and assistance to young
                                                          people, before, during and after the mobility period
 demands of young people, in 2020 the focus was   The Euroguidance Network was delighted to   was collected from Euroguidance colleagues of   and gain the knowledge of where and whom to
 on online practices. During the earlier years the   partner in this initiative.  Euroguidance Sweden   Germany, France, Italy and Slovenia analysed and   consult in their own country for information on
 vast majority of the submitted projects aimed at   collated the contact details of appropriately   integrated into course updates.  learning mobility.  Euroguidance France kindly
 school age students, therefore,  practices were   qualified guidance practitioners and Euroguidance   This e-course contains four thematic modules:   provided their Moodle platform for administration
 evaluated based on working with adults separately.   colleagues from 24 countries. Four quiz participants   1. Why learning mobility?;  of the e-course. The piloting phase of the e-course
 were selected as winners from a random selection   2. Mobility resources;  was due to commence in January 2021 with rep-
 of participants that finished the quizzes. They were   3. Role of guidance in mobility;  resentatives of the guidance communities in the
 matched to volunteer Euroguidance guidance   4. Mobility for guidance practitioners.   Nordic and Baltic countries.
 counsellors based on the preferred language.
 These sessions were:
 25    •  In English with a counsellor from Ireland
 20  (Sinead McNerney) and a candidate from
 6  Kosovo;
 15    •  In French with a counsellor from France (Yvan
 Couallier) and a candidate from Belgium;
 10  3
 16    •  In Italian with a counsellor from Italy (Ilaria
 5  8  Piccioni) and a candidate from Italy;
 0  0    •  In Greek with a counsellor from Greece (Vouli
 online  offline  Tetradakou) and a candidate from Greece.
 school  adults  All candidates were between 20 and 34 of age,
 corresponding to the main target audience of
 the week, those studying in higher education or
 university graduates looking for a job.
 The diagram shows the number of projects work-
 ing with adults and different age groups under 18.  Preparation for the session was key, with candi-
 We can see that 33% of the applications preferred  dates first completing a questionnaire with regard
 online methods. The number of offline applications  to their educational and occupational profile and
 has doubled, however, many projects among them  their expectations from the process. The answers
 include some smaller online parts.  were provided to the counsellors in advance, in

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