Page 23 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
P. 23

1.4  ‘Academia’

 Academia 2020:   of training programmes and
 The First Step Towards Virtual Mobility!  training materials for guid-
 ance counsellors in Europe
 Since  1992, Euroguidance centres in different  to address current key chal-
 countries have carried out learning mobility proj-  lenges in the labour market
 ects, the most substantial of which is Academia.  and in guidance. Considering
 It is coordinated by the  French Euroguidance   the pandemic, the first
 Centre alongside partner countries. The COVID-19  training module ‘Counselling
 pandemic crisis unfortunately disrupted most of  Migrants and Refugees’ was successfully adapted
 the exchanges planned that were to take place  online through the University of Applied Labour
 in the spring of 2020. However, this initiated new  Studies of the Federal Employment Agency in
 ways of exchange between professionals and new  Germany, contributing to the further development
 developments.   of the project's digital learning tools. These digital
 learning tools can be used in the future by the
 Estonia hosted the first ever virtual mobility    How to React to a Worldwide    environment; to expand participants' professional
 ‘e-Academia: Career Guidance in Higher Education   partners of the Academia Network and serve also   Lockdown: e-Academia    networks and as a new learning outcome as part
 as a stimulus for the further development of their
 and Employment Offices. How to Support Learning   Learning Mobility in Estonia  of virtual mobility - to learn how to use a variety
 and CMS Development’. This challenging but ex-  own national online courses.  of ICT tools.
 citing experiment was a success. It also confirmed  The annual Academia coordinators' meeting   The Estonian Euroguidance Centre has participated   Reorganising the exchange  within such a  short
 that virtual learning mobility should not replace  was also held at a distance and was hosted by   in the Academia project since 2000. To date they   time frame was challenging for both the organ-
 traditional face-to-face exchange but can make  Slovenian Euroguidance colleagues. Discussions   have hosted approximately 200 counsellors and   isers and participants. It required being efficient,
 learning more exciting.  focused on the consequences of the health crisis   experts and at the same time a similar number   adaptable, curious and supportive of each other.
 on the exchange of professionals and on the offers   of Estonian specialists have had the possibility to
 2020 was also the year of fruitful cooperation   proposed for 2021.   experience this aspect of learning mobility.  Also it required keeping in focus the smart use
 with the Erasmus Academia + partnership proj-            of technology where the content directs the tools
 ect: ‘Counsellors' Study and Training Exchange  You can read more about these activities in the   The worldwide pandemic and lockdown in 2020  utilized and not the other way around.
 Programme’, which focussed on the development  following articles.  took us all by surprise and forced us to be creative.   e-Academia took place on the Tallinn University
                 This led to the proposal for a virtual mobility   of Technology Moodle learning platform, which
                 experience. e-Academia ultimately comprised  8   enabled sharing presentations, assignments
                 European experts from 6 countries.
                                                          and virtual engagement through programs like
                 One of the biggest challenges was the question of  BigBlueButton and MS Teams. The participants
                 how to create an experience that is not just a long  used a personal reflection diary which made sure
                 series of online meetings, and in parallel, how to  they gathered their main learning points and new
                 integrate a variety of different tools and platforms  information, and could reflect during each day on
                 into a learning experience.              their learning experience.
                 As the original plan of physical exchanges became  The course covered a wide spectrum of techno-
                 impossible, the new plan was to make the mobility  logical tools like Mentimeter for group reflection,
                 opportunity in two phases. Phase 1 - online - in  Kahoot to test the learned facts about Estonian
                 May 2020, and Phase 2 - face to face - in Sep-  Guidance and Padlet for describing group devel-
                 tember 2020. The latter proved to not be possible,  opment and the reflection timeline.
                 so both phases took place virtually.
                                                          The challenge was to maintain quality, as the
                 The participants met each day for  2 hours and  mobility was virtual. It was a first-time for all
                 had assignments they had to do outside of the  to experience virtual job shadowing through a
                 formal meetings. The aims of the exchange were  virtual guided tour of the newly opened ‘Estonian
                 to give an overview of career services in Estonia;  Unemployment Insurance Fund Career Centre’ in
                 to introduce the services of PES for different target  Tallinn. It was innovative, smart and a creative use
                 groups; to experience learning in a multicultural  of virtual innovation that surprised and inspired

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