Page 24 - euroguidance-highlights-2020
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Norway). Ever since then Euroguidance Slovenia  Centre Ljubljana. As part of European vocational
                                                                                                                                        is regularly hosting and sending participants for  skills week, the European Commission awarded
                                                                                                                                        Academia professional exchanges.         the VET innovators award to the Biotechnical
                                                                                                                                                                                 Educational Centre Ljubljana in November 2020.
                                                                                                                                        The annual Academia Network national coor-  Awards recognise excellence in vocational educa-
                                                                                                                                        dinators meeting (1 –  2 December  2020) was   tion and training.
                                                                                                                                        organised online and hosted by Euroguidance
                                                                                                                                        Slovenia and  Euroguidance  France. Academia  Exchange of experiences from Slovenian guidance
                                                                                                                                        national coordinators are engaged in sending their  practitioners from employment and education that
                                                                                                                                        own guidance counsellors abroad and receiving  were participating in Academia in the past, focused
                                                                                                                                        practitioners from other countries on thematic  on the development of professional competences
                                                                                                                                        study visits. The participating Academia national  as well as personal outcomes of Academia as mul-
                                                                                                                                        coordinators were from Slovenia, France, Estonia,   ticultural training mobility experiences. There are
                                                                                                                                        Latvia, Germany, Spain, Slovakia, Romania, Den-  several points and benefits of Academia profes-
                                                                                                                                        mark, Sweden, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Belgium,   sional exchanges that participating guidance practi-
                                                                                                                                        Austria, Czech Republic and the United Kingdom.  tioners were talking about including the importance
                                                                                                                                                                                 of participation for career guidance practitioners in
                                                                                                                                        Working session included discussions about   international exchanges in person, the importance
                                                                                                                                        Academia; providing an overview of the  2020   of preparational activities (language, professional
                                                                                                                                        placements, including cancellations of placements   and cultural preparation), widening horizons and
                                                                                                                                        due to COVID-19, Estonia e-Academia and online   views, improved language skills, networking with
                                                                                                                                        course Academia+. Interesting topics for future   colleagues from Europe as well as gained mutual
                                                                                                                                        Academia exchanges were also discussed.  cultural awareness. Sharing the information after
                         the participants. It was an evaluated risk and a  The first C-STEP on the topic of ‘Counselling Mi-            The Academia meeting also included a learning  the return is  crucial. The participating guidance
                         challenge for the hosts that succeeded.  grants and Refugees'' was held in May and June                        experience that was provided by Slovenian par-  practitioners gain in-depth knowledge of life-long
                                                                  2020 in an online format. Divided into four topics,
                         This was a true learning experience for all parties.                                                           ticipating experts from the Representation of the  career  guidance,  the  education  system  of  one
                         The hosts, Euroguidance Estonia, The Association   the Academia+ team and the speakers conducted               European Commission in Slovenia, Employment  country (vs. another) and general information on
                         of Estonian Career Counsellors, Tallinn University of   online sessions in English, each with 30-60 partici-   Service of Slovenia and Biotechnical Educational  other participating countries.
                         Technology, University of Tartu and The Estonian   pants from different European countries - and from
                         Unemployment Insurance Fund really had to work   Azerbaijan, India and Armenia. Over the days, 14
                         together as a team to bring this experience to life.   lecturers from different European countries spoke
                         The participants were able to observe and expe-  on the topics of
                         rience how such a virtual exchange was created,     •  Intercultural awareness;
                         and it gave them confidence to try online tools in     •  Recognition of qualifications and competencies
                         their own workspaces.                      and access to the labour market;
                                                                     •  The analysis of client potential and empow-
                         The experience was gathered into a Compendium   erment;
                         of practices and a short video, providing others     •  Specific supportive measures.
                         with the ability to learn from the experience.
                                                                  Despite the unusual online setting, the training
                         Training for Career Guidance             days  had a  high level of  activity among  the
                         Practitioners on the topic of:           participants, many productive and constructive
                         ‘Counselling Migrants and Refugees’      discussions took place and future contact will be
                                                                  maintained. The next online training with the topic
                         The Erasmus+ partnership project ‘Counsellors   ‘future jobs’ is due to take place from 9  to 18
                         Study and Training Exchange Programme for   March 2021. More information about the project
                         Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and   is available HERE.
                         Societies’ - Academia+ - aims to develop and pilot
                         three research-based study and training exchange  Annual Academia Network National
                         programmes (C-STEP) for career counsellors from   Coordinators Meeting
                         across Europe. It is led by the University of Applied
                         Sciences of the Federal Employment Agency   An important part of the international activities
                         (HdBA) in Mannheim, Germany. The topics for  of Euroguidance Slovenia is the organisation of
                         the three C-STEPs were chosen according to their  Academia professional exchanges among guid-
                         importance for the current labour market:  ance counsellors. Euroguidance Slovenia joined
                            •  Counselling migrants and refugees;  Academia as an active coordinator in 2008 when
                            •  Future jobs;                       it hosted the first  6 guidance counsellors from
                            •  Demographic change.                4 countries (France, United Kingdom, Spain and

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