Page 13 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 13

              The Use of ICT in Guidance

           Career Path planning tool for Slovenian Students

          Euroguidance  Slovenia  has de-    guidance to students in the transi-  ant  source of  information for
          veloped an online survey to an-    tion from lower to upper secondary  individual  counselling  as well
          nually map the motivations and  education.                              as for possible  group counsel-
          career paths of  over 12 000                                            ling.  Guidance counsellors get
          14 year old students in their  The survey of career paths is done  an overview their students’ an-
          last year of lower secondary  at the beginning of the last school  swers and can identify the stu-
          school. The survey demonstrates  year in lower secondary  educa-        dents who will need additional
          planned career choices  of Slo-    tion. Answering the questionnaire  help.
          venian students and is as such  enables students to  start  thinking
          a helpful tool for both individual  more seriously  about their future  The answers give guidance
          and group counselling in schools  career decisions. At the same time  counsellors  an insight into stu-
          and for guidance counsellors at  their answers illustrate their ma-     dents’ career choices, interests,
          The Employment Service of Slo-     turity and decision  making skills  and motivation,  how well they
          venia.  This questionnaire  is a  regarding their future education-     know different careers, possible
          great source of information en-    al path. As such the results of the  health limitations and educa-
          abling counsellors to give better  questionnaire are both an import-    tional  qualifications  necessary   
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