Page 18 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 18
The Use of ICT in Guidance
The Future of Guidance Takes Place on Facebook
Social media is here to stay is that guidance counselling can “What do you do as a guidance
which, without doubt, poses new be difficult to control and that it can counsellor if you receive a friend
demands for guidance in the fu- be difficult for the guidance coun- request from a parent of one of
ture and the question is whether sellor to act professionally in a me- the young people? To me this is
social media threatens guidance dia where the boundary between not right, because almost cer-
professionals’ monopoly in the the public and the private sphere tainly young people will aban-
future. appears to be non-existent” Ms. don the guidance”, Lasse Skov
Elsebeth Nygaard, Deputy Manag- Laursen says.
In 2011, eGuidance in Denmark er at eGuidance, explains.
introduced guidance through
Facebook which had by then Facebook undoubtedly has the ad- Challenging the Guidance
reached one billion users around vantage that it beats other forms of Counsellor’s Monopoly
the world and about three million communication when it comes to ac- “The guidance counsellor’s mo-
users in Denmark. Providing this cessibility and maintaining contact. nopoly, which exists today, will
service is the result of a wish undoubtedly be challenged.
to provide guidance where the “This means that we can be pres- Now, it is possible for people
people seeking guidance were. ent, when they are. They can re- seeking guidance to find a lot of
ceive an answer, when they want. the information themselves and
But one of the biggest challenges they can to a large extent control
Benefits and New Dilemmas is to act professionally while try- the guidance process” Stefan
“The benefits of guidance on ing to act in a personal manner as Kühne, an initiator of the Austri-
Facebook are that guidance can well” Lasse Skov Laursen from the an/German online journal about
be followed by many, that peo- Youth Guidance Centre in Copen- online guidance, e-beratungs-
ple seeking guidance can de- hagen, states., points out. “Now, the
cide whether to follow actively or person seeking guidance can
passively and that people seek- Since there is still a lot to learn, the control some of the process. If
ing guidance can provide each counsellors often encounter new di- he/she does not want to partake
other with guidance. The disad- lemmas with guidance on Facebook in the guidance anymore, it is
vantage of this type of guidance in relation to traditional guidance. very easy to exit a chat or not
reply to an e-mail. In this way,
people seeking guidance have
become more independent and
not all guidance counsellors like
this” Stefan Kühne says.
Read the full article:
Jesper Himmelstrup,
editor, Vejlederen
Translated by
Euroguidance Denmark