Page 17 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 17
The Use of ICT in Guidance
Guidance via Chat
When eGuidance was formed in Denmark at the beginning of
2011, a national laboratory for the intensive testing of the use
of electronic media for guidance for educational and work-re-
lated purposes also came into existence.
At the beginning, eGuidance ers contact eGuidance when need-
assumed that the chat medium ed and are offered guidance in a
would be used mainly to provide safe and familiar space. There is a
guidance seekers with quick unique opportunity for establishing
and concrete information about a genuine dialogue as well as the
study programmes and jobs. possibility for the guidance seek-
However, data shows that only a er to end the chat when they de-
little under half of the enquiries sire. In this way, guidance via chat
via chat are about simply pass- supports the increased tenden-
ing on information. This means cy among guidance seekers who
that in most cases a chats dia- want to be active rather than pas-
logue develops, focussing on sive in their own career planning.
how general possibilities match
the possibilities of the individual. Guidance often can be charac- guidance, e.g. Gerard Egan, Carl
Guidance seekers use the chat terized as one-stop guidance, al- Rogers and Gunnel Lindh. In ad-
to ask about a wide range of is- though guidance seekers may dition, its approach to guidance,
sues, from open speculative en- contact eGuidance several times. which emphasizes creating a re-
quiries to factual requests about One-stop guidance makes it nec- lationship, possibilities for reflec-
entry requirements and admis- essary to rethink the criteria for tion and opportunities, led to the
sion to a study programme. The success which exist for guidance development of the 4C model.
need is rarely just to receive a counsellors as they are only a part
link to a relevant article but more of some of the decision-making Read the full article about
often to receive information on a and very rarely the whole process. eGuidance and the 4C model:
personal level.
The Need for a Common Approach Anette Jochumsen,
The Chat as a Guidance Space eGuidance counsellor
eGuidance’s limited experience of
Many aspects of the guidance chatting in a professional context Translated by
chat session are recognizable and the massive search on the me- Euroguidance Denmark
from face-to-face guidance. dium quickly triggered a need for
However, the availability of guid- a common approach to guidance eGuidance
ance via chat for educational via chat in addition to eGuidance’s eGuidance is a part of the
and work-related purposes has guidelines. eGuidance therefore Danish Ministry of Education
some other implications for the developed a communications mod- and offers educational guidance
type of guidance which the chat el based on the commonly known online.
constitutes. The guidance seek- theories of communication and