Page 15 - euroguidance-insight-2017-autumn
P. 15

              The Use of ICT in Guidance

           - What we want to offer is a digital  and a uniform data
           service that is on the user’s side.  structure and we
           Our services are objective and  have tried to avoid
           free from  commercials. We also  long texts.
           want to present a broad service
           that covers the entire guidance  A new  “Profes-
           process;  self-reflection,  knowl-  sion Compass” is
           edge  about life and  work, deci-   launched    during
           sion making and successful tran-    the  summer. The
           sitions, says Lisa  Tönus,  who is  tool provides one,
           a guidance professional and web  five and ten year’s
           developer at the National Agency  labour       market
           for Education.                      forecasts for dif-
                                               ferent professions.
                                               The forecasts are
  for newly arrived
                                               connected  to re-
           A growing client group in need of  gional and local
           guidance  are the newly arrived  circumstances
           migrants, who  are in search of  and a  map func-
           education  and work. Here, the  tion is  integrated
           Swedish Public Employment Ser-      through    Google
           vice has launched a new digital  maps. The  tool
           tool that helps to prepare for the  covers 200 differ-
           Swedish labour market.  In  the  ent professions.
           portal clients may share their pro-
           file with employers and get infor-  - The aim is to raise the quality of  information  and help  provided
           mation about jobs and education,  the digital  “guidance  offer”.  The  by guidance counsellors today,
           matched against their profile. This  idea  is that the digital  channels  concerns matters of confirming
           may be done before  a resident  can work side-by-side  with the  eligibility,  explaining  admission
           permit has been granted or even  non-digital  service, eliminating  processes and guidance  in the
           if the asylum process is on-going.  unnecessary demand and freeing  education system. These tasks
                                               resources, so that the employment  should instead be handled
                                               officers may focus more on coach-   through a national platform, al-
           Tool for better labour market in-   ing / guidance, where it is needed,  lowing time for more qualitative
                                               says Marcus Hultin.                 guidance conversations.
           - We put more emphasis on user
           analysis and service design than                                        It  remains to be seen if  this
           before, says Marcus Hultin, who     National digital platform for guid-  channel  will  become  a reality,
           is a web developer, working with    ance?                               but digitalization has neverthe-
           digital guidance,  at  the  Public  The need for redirecting  resourc-  less become an essential part
           Employment Service. How do  es and supplementing  traditional  of Swedish  guidance  service
           young people want to receive the  guidance is also the idea behind a  delivery.
           message and what do they want  proposal for a national digital plat-
           to read about? It  is important to  form for guidance that the Swed-
           elevate/upgrade the design – we  ish parliament presented in May.  Nina Ahlroos,
           have worked a lot with infographics  Here it was said that much of the  Euroguidance Sweden
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