Page 14 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
P. 14


          called  ‘About  me’  where  the  re-  In 2013, the first e-version of the  portant part of career self-discov-
          sults of activities within a partic-  programme was launched, at-      ery it’s also a tool to support the
          ular careers interest test can be  tention was given to the overall  career  counsellor  when  dealing
          liked  or  disliked.  This  generates  design  and  experience,  making  directly  with  clients.  Sometimes
          connections to particular careers  it  appealing to the target group  the ideas of the user are not well
          based on the selected level of ed-  and allowing for easier navigation  grounded and the role of the coun-
          ucation. It can then be viewed to  between different sections of the  sellor is to find and present more
          assess  which  professional  fields  programme.                        realistic options about choosing a
          could  be  of  particular  interest  /                                 suitable education or career.
          relevance to an individual.         Whilst the programme is an im-
                                                                                 The  Kam  in  kako  /  Where  and
                                                                                 how programme is provided free
                                                                                 of  charge  for  all  Slovenian  ele-
                                                                                 mentary  and  upper-secondary
                                                                                 schools as well as public employ-
                                                                                 ment offices.

                                                                                 Marko Zupančič
                                                                                 Euroguidance Slovenia

          MOOCs, new resources for guidance in France

          This year, France implemented several new initiatives to improve enrolment in higher education.
          A new platform called Parcoursup is a devoted site for enrolment to all public higher education
          providers in France. FUN-MOOC is another public platform which provides more information on
          how to register to Parcoursup as well as the various courses and careers available. In addition,
          two weeks of the final year of high school is devoted to careers guidance activities.

          The new resources are available  SEP  (a  French  Euroguidance  students to be supported in their
          for all professionals whose role  centre) to set up a MOOC course  choice of career path during the
          it is to support students in their  in guidance for secondary school  transition from high school to
          career  choices.  FUN  MOOC  is  employees. This course increas-       higher education.
          focusing on the complementarity  es the visibility of the tools already
          between virtual and face-to-face  created by higher education insti-   We  interviewed  Anna  Jarry,  the
          services to provide concrete tools  tutions. These online courses are  project  manager  of  one  of  the
          that can easily be used by teams  free and help to increase profes-    MOOCs called “Enrol in a techno-
          working in high schools that sup-   sional cooperation.                logical university institute”-  “En-
          port students in their careers.                                        trer à l’IUT” discussing why there
                                              These MOOCs are a way to help  is a need for online training cours-
          In autumn 2017, the FUN-MOOC  students  discover  new  fields  of  es for those applying to study at
          public platform approached ONI-     study.  They  enable  high  school  IUT :                              
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