Page 15 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
P. 15
- Among the many applications
which we receive, we’ve noticed
that a lot of young people sabo-
tage their application because
they don’t know how to present
themselves, how to draft a per-
sonal account or how to correctly
answer what is asked of them- by including images and a short, primarily be seen as coaching
without copying and pasting! In weekly publishing forming a mini- tools.
order to provide easy access for series. They have also been de- More information:
high school students the MOOCs veloped to ensure that pupils will
can be accessed anywhere at achieve something from each ex-
anytime and have been adapted ercise and strengthen their skills Graziana Boscato
to appeal to a teenage audience – in this way these resources can Euroguidance Education-France
Euroguidance Career Boot Camp “Train the trainer”
Euroguidance Career Boot Camp education with the knowledge and majority of the student population.
is a two-day intensive profession- skills that have been identified by On the other hand, it is equally im-
al training programme aimed at experts in human resources as portant to know and understand
career counsellors working in the crucial in the recruitment process the challenges of the contempo-
higher education sector in Croatia. of new graduates. rary labour market - employment
This new event, based on an inno- opportunities, career advance-
vative concept of intensive training ment possibilities, the features of
in career management, leadership Closer cooperation between modern business organizations
and networking, intends to bring higher education and the busi- and the needs of employers.
together relevant stakeholders ness community With its Career Boot Camp, Eu-
from the education and business The need to increase competence roguidance Croatia aims to cre-
sector in Croatia. This year’s event development of career counsel- ate a platform for the exchange of
puts particular emphasis on creat- lors in higher education has been knowledge between the sector of
ing links between the academic identified in the national Strategy economy and education, in order
community and the business sec- for Lifelong Career Guidance in to contribute to bridging the gap
tor through targeted workshops, the Republic of Croatia for the pe- between the two sectors and ulti-
tasks, case studies, panel discus- riod 2016-2020. mately help the final beneficiaries,
sions and presentations, as well In order to provide quality support i.e. students, to acquire lifelong
as team building activities and to students in the understanding career management skills and fa-
informal networking opportunities of their career choices and devel- cilitate their access to different la-
between career counsellors and opment of their career paths, ca- bour market opportunities.
experts in human resources from reer counsellors need to know and
leading Croatian companies.
understand the particular needs of
The objective of the training is to the so-called “Millennials’ Genera- Mia Trcol
equip career counsellors in higher tion”, which nowadays forms a vast Euroguidance Croatia