Page 2 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
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Revamped and ready – our new
website especially for guidance counsellors
The Euroguidance Network has launched a new • Guidance systems and practices contains
website, full of new content and information on information about national guidance systems
learning mobility and guidance in Europe. This in European countries; the policy behind it,
website specifically addresses guidance counsel- services and practice, the training of counsel-
lors across Europe who advise their clients about lors, research and development in the field of
study and training opportunities abroad. guidance and the ethical principles counsel-
lors in the respective countries adhere to. For
If you happen to need support for your daily guid- counsellors going on a study visit to another
ance practice, you can find many online resources country, this information gives a quick first
at, for example: glance as to what they can expect when they
arrive there. The section on good practices of-
• International mobility offers information on fers links to various projects and tools in the
training opportunities for counsellors, access to field of guidance that can assist counsellors in
EU’s portal on learning opportunities and qual- their work. Finally, there are links to interna-
ifications in Europe, links to European web- tional associations and key actors in the field
sites targeting students interested in studying of guidance.
abroad, mobility networks and tools, informa- • Useful resources are mostly comprised of
tion about the Academia study visits and mo- electronic publications. Among these, there
bility-related materials for anyone who wants to are Euroguidance network publications, such
plan or participate in a mobility experience. as the bi-annually released Insight newslet-