Page 4 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
P. 4
The framework and usage of what their career management ing methods, teachers find the
the model skills are, how to develop them section “Development of skills
and how to make them work. in the learning process,” which
Several agreements, including For a career professional, the concentrate on the learning
national curricula, occupational CMS model is an efficient tool for outcomes relevant to each
qualification standards for ca- working with a client to help mon- level of education, to be most
reer professionals, and service itor the progress of the develop- helpful.
standards for career services, ment of CMS skills and to deter-
are the cornerstones of the mine the client’s need for help.
services quality, availability and
CMS development framework. The model also describes CMS
learning outcomes throughout
The main structure of the model formal levels of education to pro-
consists of four competency ar- vide self-evaluation possibilities You are welcome to read more
eas: development of self-aware- for individuals and help career about the national framework at
ness, analysis of opportunities, professionals and teachers to Innove’s website.
planning, and taking action. monitor the development of CMS,
plan relevant study activities and Mare Lehtsalu
The model, in its compactness, select counselling methods. So, Senior Specialist in Career
helps people to understand when planning studies and select- Education, Foundation Innove