Page 3 - euroguidance-insight-2018-autumn
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ter and the annually published Highlights on Through the website it is possible to contact Eu-
achievements of the network in 2015, 2016 roguidance offices in all 35 European countries,
and 2017. Another section offers links to pub- should you wish to know more.
lications of institutions such as Cedefop, the
European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Pay a visit to the Euroguidance website at
and Euroguidance centres in different coun-
tries. There are also a few videos dealing with
various aspects of mobility, tools (e.g. various
tests) and a library of policy measures.
• Forthcoming events include international
seminars and conferences on several themes,
such as lifelong guidance, learning mobility,
education and training, employment, migration
and interculturality.
Career management skills: Estonian perspectives
The development of Career Management Skills (CMS) is a priority throughout Europe. Both
national and international policy and research point to the need to teach people the skills
that help them navigate the complex educational landscape and the changing labour mar-
ket. In Estonia, a model has been developed in cooperation with various stakeholders to
define the skills necessary for career management.
How the CMS model was born pert opinions and career man- to these questions and take
The development of the Esto- agement theories. Today, the action independently or with the
nian CMS model began nearly model is based on the guiding help of a career specialist.
10 years ago with the partic- principle of constructivism. It is
ipation of schools promoting important for a person to create The definition of attitudes and
career education. The original meaning for their life and iden- values described in the model
version of the model concen- tity, discovering and creating is based on the Values Educa-
trated on national curricula, their own opportunities, and that tion Framework. The four main
including career management each person designs their own tasks of which are: to teach
skills in a school setting, gen- life and career. By analysing the people to recognize and ac-
eral education goals, and the theories, the focus was on the knowledge one’s own intrinsic
learning outcomes and content central questions that emerge values and of others; to direct
of the cross-curricula theme. when planning one´s life. As a a person on reflection of their
result, we tried to pair up the values; to enable the practice
The model was then refined in relevant career questions and of values; and to be the mirror
light of research findings, ex- skills, which help to find answers of the manifestation of values.