Page 14 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 14

eGuidance             By Senior Adviser Elsebeth Nygaard

          eGuidance was launched in   process on their own. eGuidance   ance in a common forum and
          January 2011 and provides indi-  plays a central role as a guide to   to work with guidance on social
          vidual and personal guidance   the national guidance portal, a   media. (
          to all citizens via various virtual   communicator of guidance infor-  eVejledning). We use Facebook,
          communication channels: chat,   mation, etc.           because Denmark has a high
          telephone, text message, e-mail,                       percentage of Facebook users.
          webinars and Facebook.     The users can contact eGuidance   The activity on Facebook gener-
                                     during days and evenings as well   ally happens on the wall, where
          eGuidance is for everyone who   as on the weekends. Many peo-  it is public for everybody to see.
          wants information about educa-  ple appreciate that they can get   The interaction can be between
          tion and employment and may   in touch with a guidance coun-  the counsellor and the counse-
          also refer users to other guid-  sellor for example on a Tuesday   lees, or between several people
          ance tools ( and   evening or Saturday afternoon.   taking part in the debate. We
          institutions for further guidance.   Clients typically contact eGuid-  have seen several times that peo-
          eGuidance is especially targeted   ance with questions relating to   ple try to help each other, which
          at resourceful young persons   youth education, higher educa-  is precisely one of our main pur-
          and their parents to give them   tion or adult education.   poses of being on Facebook.
          easy access to independent
          information and guidance and   Facebook was first taken in use   Webinars are held as a supple-
          hereby motivate them to con-  in January 2012 and gives eGuid-  ment and as another way to
          tinue the search and clarification   ance the chance to provide guid-  guide. Subjects can be how to

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