Page 19 - guidance_in_education_denmark
P. 19
Guidance for Adults
Denmark has a long tradition of
improving the competencies of
the workforce beyond compul-
sory stages of education. In fact,
the notion is that learning is a
lifelong occupation. There are
a number of opportunities for
adults wishing to receive educa-
tion and update their competen-
13 Centres for Adult Education
and Continuing Training (VEU-
centre) offer guidance related
to a wide range of education
programmes to adults, either
employed or unemployed. Some grammes (VUC). As part of this in employment or outside the
of them give a second chance adult educational system, there is labour market can get an over-
to people who left compulsory a provision of guidance. view over the various education
school without the necessary and training programmes. They
exams. Others offer highly At the centres guidance counsel- will receive an individual plan
specialized continuing voca- lors provide free and non-binding for their further education and
tional training courses (AMU) or career guidance to companies training, which can lead them
general upper secondary pro- as well as to individuals. People towards their career target.